Chapter 26

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Celine double-checked the door to make sure it was locked in case he tried to enter the room as if it would stop him. After hearing footsteps from the bathroom toward the bedroom, the small gap between the floor and the door was where she could make out a shadow moving toward her. Drops of water were faintly visible on the floor, indicating that he didn't bother to dry himself off.

She waited and waited for the doorknob to jiggle, but nothing happened. He retreated and slowly the footsteps got softer till she heard his bedroom door close. Celine sighed in relief that he didn't try to come in because she knew what would have happened otherwise. She tried to sleep in her bed but she was too anxious to fall asleep. Getting off the bed and starting to pace around the room, she easily knew if he wanted to, Blade could have walked through the door. But for an unknown reason, he didn't.

Celine, stop going back and forth, she told herself. She halted and walked up to the window to take in the snow. Mountains and the occasional penguin could be seen in the distance, but other than that, it was as silent as it was possible to be. Maybe one day if she had the guts to face Blade again, then she would go outside. For now, she would stay put and not leave the room for as long as she could. Her stomach grumbled in disagreement but Celine barely paid attention to it.

For the past week or so, Celine hadn't left her room and it had been pretty dull, to say the least, since there wasn't anything in the room to occupy with. Fortunately, Celine found a bunch of paper and tried to do some origami but that didn't go well. Throughout the week, Celine took track of the time Blade would leave. She could tell since the sun was always in the same place when he left. It was around 8 am when he would go and wouldn't come back until it was dark outside, probably 11 pm.

Making sure her suspicions were right, she repeated the same process with him over the weeks. Finally, once she had enough information and the courage to go outside, she decided tomorrow would be the day she finally left the room. Her mouth had been dry like the desert and her stomach hurt to the point she could scream. Getting ready for bed she heard footsteps going past her room - Blade. Sucking in a breath and not daring to move, she noticed he paused in front of her door, but soon went off to his room after a few minutes.

Once she was asleep, Celine couldn't stop tossing and turning throughout the night. She had enough and decided to get some water since she knew Blade was probably in his room. Getting out of bed, she encountered the cold hardwood floor on her feet, causing a chill to go through her body. When she got closer to the door she noticed a piece of paper on the floor.


You can't hide in there forever. Eventually, you will have to face me again, one way or another. But since you aren't ready yet, I inform you to be back the second the sun set on the horizon. Until then you can roam in the house freely.

- your worst nightmare

Staring at the note a form of dread filled her. She knew he was right, she had to face him sooner or later, although she didn't want him to be right about that. But until then, she just wanted to pretend otherwise. Pushing that thought back, she went to the kitchen and got her water then went to bed. Luckily she didn't encounter him.

In the morning Celine was awoken by the smell of food. Wondering what it was, she slowly got out of bed and went into the kitchen to see a plate of food on the table. What really caught her eye though was the singular blue rose laying on the table with a note next to it. Slowly walking over to the table she picked up the note. Before being able to read it, she got pricked by a thorn on the rose. A drop of her blood fell onto a petal. She tried washing it away but in vain. The red blood was glued on the blue rose and right in front of her eyes, the same petal turned completely red. It weirded her out so much she threw the rose away in the trash but was careful not to prick herself again. After quickly taking care of it, she finally read Blade's note.

The deal with the devil - Fear the devils series book 1Where stories live. Discover now