Chapter 41 🍋

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1050 B.C
Italy, Tieber

Her entire body ached as though it were on fire. She could not move and had no desire to do so. She could only remain calm because it seemed like one simple movement would rip her body apart. Even yelling in agony was not an option because it required moving her jaw. Once more, she lost consciousness.

She was roused once again, and this time, while her body still hurt all over, it wasn't as bad as before. She could think more when the agony was less intense. Where am I? She questioned. Wherever it was, it didn't have the same atmosphere as her small home that she shared with her coworkers. Though not in an uncomfortable sense, it was silent and warm. More accurately, she seemed to be safe no matter where she was.

But it had hurt too much for her to open her eyes. She slept off once more.

When she became conscious once again, she felt considerably better. The first thing she saw when she dared to open her eyes was the wooden wall above her and the reflection of blazing oven flames. She had no clue where she had been, yet she was not at all frightened. After taking a moment to gather herself, she ventured a glance to her left, and what she discovered left her speechless. She discovered Blade seated on a chair in front of her, on the opposite side of the room, staring directly at her.. None of them made an attempt to speak as their eyes locked.

Celine was unable to distinguish between reality and a fever dream. Despite the fact that she hadn't seen him in ages, he was never been far from her mind. After some while, Blade eventually rose up and soon had a tray in his grasp. Celine was unable to describe what was on it since she was still lying there and he was too tall to even have a glance at it.

He approached her and knelt in front of her to assist her in sitting. Regardless of the pain had been, she couldn't take her eyes off of him. Furthermore, it appeared that she was the sole object of his attention. She couldn't take her eyes off Blade's bright red ones, not even when he set the tray on her knees. She was unable to process all the feelings she was experiencing at once.

"Cinderella, I wish for you to eat. You must". He indicated the plate in front of her with his hand. She was finally able to gaze down after taking her eyes off of him. She smiled at what she saw. They were Mrs. Pepperwood's cookies, and eating a mouthful made her feel at home - like the life she had before everything took place. After she finished eating in silence and drank some milk, she regained her strength.

Confusion soon followed her. "Can you tell me what happened?" Blade, who was still sitting next to her bed, caught her eye. He seemed to be in a daze, entranced by her beauty. He cleared his throat as soon as he realized how he was feeling. "I came to see you, but you were everywhere but nowhere."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Disoriented, Celine remarked. Instead of responding to her query, Blade posed another. "Can you recall the last thing you remember?" Looking away from him, Celine pondered this as she unsuccessfully tried to recall. "I-I don't know,"

"Try a little harder." Blade nudged. Several minutes had passed before she had visions of a war, being chased, fleeing for safety, and ultimately falling asleep alone in a tent.

Celine turned to face him once again and saw that he was displaying no sign of needing an explanation—he already knew.

"I discovered your poisoned body, which had been torn into a great number of pieces and dispersed all over Athens." Blade elaborated. Too horrified by what he said, Celine was unable to make sense of this. "You're lying," she concluded. Since all he did was lie to her, she didn't want to believe him. He gently prodded her chin to draw her attention back to him as she moved her head away.

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