Chapter 12

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She's drowning.

She's suffocating.

Wallowing in her anxiety and pain, while she's stuck in this cell, unable to move, unable to do anything.

She can't speak, she can't lift herself up. She can't even open her eyes. She's just too weak to do anything. Nothing she does works, she's at a loss.

One moment she was at home, happy with her brother, and parents, of course overcoming the heartbreak of her crush, but one can in time get over that. And the next, she was here, in another time zone. Millennia before her own, shackled and bound to the wall behind her, in pain, in excruciating pain.

For why she was in pain, she knew not, and her body told her nothing except for aching all over.

It took everything she had just to open her eyes, and even when she did, she immediately regretted it. Her head pounded, even more, her eyes blurred and sore, as if she had been crying. Her neck was dry and course, probably from dehydration.

She looked around her cell, once her vision had adjusted.
Where am I and how did I get here? she asked herself.

The moment she remembered, it felt like it had all been a bad dream. But her being there proved otherwise.

Sitting up slowly, her body ached all over again, making her groan in pain. After taking some agonizing long breaths, she felt something flowing down her forehead.

Slowly touching her forehead, there was something wet on her hand. By lowering it to take a look at it, she discovered a dark red substance - blood. Sudden panic overcame her. When she touched the spot again, it didn't feel like her having a wound to be causing the blood. Was it really hers or that of someone else?

The men pushed her hard against the wall before she passed out. It had to be her blood then, although it didn't make any sense.

Another doing of Blade. Healing fast but still feeling the pain. No matter whether the healing process is already done.

Standing up she looked around - to identify where they put her. She had to be in one of those ancient cells. The walls are uneven and slightly yellowish. It had to be sandstone.

There wasn't another person in this cell, so at least she was alone and not sharing it with some creep.

Looking above, there was a little rectangular window that enlightened the room so she was able to take a better look at her surroundings. Other than the cold stone floor and the prison bars was nothing else - if you didn't count the bowl on the other side of the room.

Standing up with much effort and having tears in her eyes, she walked to check out the bowl, which she discovered to be empty.

That is somehow relieving for her. She couldn't imagine how she would have reacted if there were excrement.

Her stomach growl reminded her that she is still starving. For how long hasn't she eaten? Was it days? Or even weeks?

Celine eventually went up to the cell bars and tried to open them - in the hope they forgot to close them, but unfortunately, they didn't. With a sigh, she was trying to take a look at the other cells to see if there were more prisoners.

From the point where she was now - standing behind the bars- she couldn't decipher much except for the other cages around her which seemed to be empty.

Then there was a noise, and before realizing it, two of the guardians who hurt her the other day showed up - standing directly in front of her. This made her stumble backward. With the sudden movement, the pain set in, making her lose balance and trip backward - she hit the hard ground with her back.

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