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Thomas and Minho were rushed onto the helicopter by two men in armed gear, holding guns. Newt grabbed Thomas by the arm, helping him in.

One of the rescuers- that was the only way Thomas could describe them- jumping in as well, and the other shut the door.
The helicopter's rotor blades began spinning, causing the boys to cover their ears. A few more gunshots from the outside ran out, as the huge piece of machinery began to lift in the air.

The rescuer in front of them pulls down a make-shift mask made out of a bandana on his face.
"You guys alright?", he asked loudly, to he heard over the whirr outside. All the Gladers turned to look at him.
"Don't worry", he continued. "You're safe now".

The helicopter was now fully in the air, and Newt turned to look out of the window. He could see the Maze, getting smaller and smaller. Teresa slumps down, and Thomas completely collapses, still holding Chuck's wooden statue in his hands.
"Relax, kids", the man tells them, but Thomas can hear his voice getting quiter and quiter, as he begins to slip into unconsciousness from exhaustion. The last thing he hears before it all going black is the man telling them all that, "Everything is going to change".

      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Tommy? Tommy, wake up", Newt shakes Thomas for the third time, desperate for his friend to see what's happening around them. Thomas pushes Newt away sleepily, forgetting that he doesn't have to go and run now.
"Wake up, you slinthead", Minho whacked Thomas on the back of the head. "Look outside".

Thomas's hand clutched the statue tighter as he slowly lifted himself up. All of his friends are looking outside, he realised, and he walked the small distance on his knees to where Frypan was looking out of the window.
Frypan moved a little bit so that Thomas could see outside. They were flying over a huge railway, with lots of twists and turns.

"Where are we?", Thomas looked back at the man. "Who are you?". He wasn't angry, exactly, but he was certainly scared.
"Hey, calm down son", the man holds up his hands.
"Son? Don't you dare call us that-", Minho moved forward before Thomas put a hand out. "Minho! Stop, let him speak".

The man nodded at him before opening his mouth to talk. "Like I've already told your friends while you were having a nap on the floor, my name is Michael".
Thomas didn't bother telling him his name. He probably already knew.
"My team and I have been trying to rescue you and your friends for years. You see, when you were younger, you were stolen from your families".

Michael goes on to explain to the children all about their lives and WICKED, and Thomas felt sick to the stomach. How could someone do that?

"So we're bringing you somewhere safe. Somewhere where WICKED won't find you". Michael looks at each of the kids in turn. "There's no denying that you're special, all of you. Your going somewhere where there are other special children. It's a school".
Thomas looks up. " What's it called?".


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