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Thomas's POV

Thomas felt Newt's head burying into his neck, silently pleading him not to go. Thomas was still holding his friend hands, and started using his thumbs to stroke them.
"Hey, it's alright. I told you, I'm staying put".

This woman, this woman, whom Thomas didn't recently, never seen before in his life, claimed to be his mother.
She could still be lying, trying to get Thomas to come back with her. All that about his past and his father could be a lie.

But it could also be the truth.

Michael had explained to them all about the Flare. Thomas still didn't understand why WICKED had chosen them specially as kids, but Michael had told them that the Flare was making people crazy.
"Once you get it, you may as well say goodbye", he said.

But one thing's for sure, be was certainly not going back with this woman. She had absolutely no right in being there, saying all of these things.

And he was definitely not leaving Hogwarts. It was the first time he had felt safe, and he was not going to leave all of his friends.

Thomas looked up to the woman in front of him. This woman- this stranger. He didn't know her. And she didn't know him.
She knew him as a five- year old- a child, an innocent kid.

A lot had changed since then.

"You can't just come here, after all these years, and ask me to go with you to somewhere I've never been", he told her.
"You gave birth to me. But you're not my mother. You're not my mom. I don't have a mom. You're nothing else in my life. You left me with people who wiped my memory, locked me in a Maze, and killed who knows how many people, and you want me to trust you?".

Thomas got up, and held out a hand to Newt. "I'm leaving. I'm going to forget that this ever happened. I forgot you once, I can forget you again".
He kicked the photo, it was still left on the ground.

His hand stayed connected with Newt's as he neared the stairs. Lora moved, blocking their exit.
"You are my son. My only son, ny son who I haven't seen in years!", she was getting angrier, shaking her head. "I'm not going to let you walk away that easily, I'm not going to give up on you again!".

Thomas wanted to scream at her. "I don't know you! I don't remember you! It's your fault, so you have to live with the consequences!".
"Please, Stephen".
"My name is Thomas", he cried out, his voice raw. His cheeks were still wet and tear- stained.

"You'll always be Stephen to me".

Thomas smiled. He didn't know what else to do, this whole thing was so ridiculous. He had been willing to listen, but now, he just wanted out. "Well, maybe you can try again in another ten years, or so", he made a gesture with his hand, telling her to get out of his way. "Move".

Thomas pulled out his wand. "I'm not going to ask you again. Move!". He did it mostly for affect. He knew some spells, yes, but simple ones. Still, he was left with no choice.
Then, Lora also took something out of her back pocket. It was her own wand. They pointed their sticks st each other.

Newt realised the situation, and quickly drew his own wand, as well.
Lora smiled, mirroring the same one that Thomas had done earlier. "There may be two of you, but I'm the one who's come and gone- graduated from Hogwarts. Don't even bother".

Thomas hated the way that she said that. He didn't want to go. Certainly not with her. No way.

Thomas slowly, and carefully, stepped forward. He was about the same height as his mother, and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were the exact same colour as his. It scared him a little bit.

"If I ever meant anything to you", he said, coldness running through his voice, placing the tip of his wand underneath her chin, "Then you'll move away, now". He tried desperately not to let his voice crack, but he stood his ground.

Lora continued to stare at him. She was contemplating what to do, Thomas could tell.

"I'm following you back, though". But she moved. She finally lowered her wand, and made say.
Thomas, still holding hands with Newt, looked back at him. "Let's go".

As they made their way down, Lora did indeed follow them.

All. The way. Down.

I haven't really proof- read this one, yet. Sorry for any mistakes.

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