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Newt's POV

Newt was reluctant to leave his bed that evening. It was exceptionally comfortable, and he was tired.
It was lights out, now. Newt was used to that, he was the one who usually called out 'lights out' in the Glade, but his new roommates were up on their feet.

"Come on, Newt", Abraham shook him slightly. "How are you going to do any magic tomorrow of you don't have a wand?".

Newt had decided to just give up and believe in the whole magic thing. After all, he had seen a professor move a chair with his own wand, and a talking hat, for shucks sake.

He got up, and pulled his new robe over him. How were they going to get out? Weren't they on one of the top floors?
Cedric begun to open a window. He had been oddly eager to get out, nodding his head before Abraham had even finished his sentence. Sebastion had been less enthusiastic to go, and needed some convincing.

"Shh", Sebastion whispered now, putting a finger to his lips. He was still a little bit paranoid. Newt grinned. He was used to risk and adventure, and very often used to sneak away from the other Gladers early in the morning, to watch the sunrise. He was Second in Command- he was always running around helping the other Gladers, Showing the Newbies what to do, never mind his own job as a Gardener.

So, every morning, Newt would get up extra early, limp slightly over to the wooden lookout tower and sit, watching the sky turn from indigo to a reddish- orange, pink and yellow to a blue.

"How do we get down?", asked Newt nervously, now. Cedric held up his wand, unbothered.
"Easy", he said. "Wingardium leviosa!".
And then suddenly Newt was lifting up into he air.

His feet were no longer slouching the ground, and every time Cedric raised his wand, Newt followed in the direction. He had never, not once, felt something as strange an as sensational as this.
Or maybe he had. He couldn't remember.

"Put me down, you shucking shank!", Newt said, cursing him out.
Cedric laughed. "What? Were you not allowed to swear at your old school?".

Abraham laughed too, from somewhere behind Newt. "Go on, Newt. Say shit".
"No, say fuck", Cedric insisted.

Newt struggled to stay upright in a standing position whilst in the air. He tossed and turned very slightly.
"Will you put me down first?".
Cedric began to lower his wand, chuckling. Newt was glad to have his feet back on the ground again.

Sebastian leaped over to the window, looking down. "You guys ready?", he asked, sliding it open.
Cedric nodded. "You, you can go first", he pointed his wand at Newt, who ducked. "No, no thanks".
That got a roll of the eyes from his new roommate, but he was smiling.

"Fine. Abe, you first".
Abraham leapt up, not at all hesitant. Cedric raised his wand once more.
"Wingardium leviosa!".

Abraham was slowly being lifted into the air. Cedric grimaced. "You're heavy, you are".
"Aww, thank you so much", Abraham made a fake hand-over his heart motion.

Newt grinned as his new friend was lead over towards the window. Abraham made his way out of the window. Newt rushed over, making room for both him and Cedric to see him being lowered further and further down.

Eventually, Abraham's feet were on the ground. Cedric turned to Newt. "You ready? You trust me?".

Shockingly, he found that he did. Nodding his head, Newt prepared himself.
Cedric repeated his spell, and, low and behold, Newt was lifted in the air again.

It was incredible, the feeling of flying. Although Newt had seen a lot of things, Grievers and Beetle Blades and so many more, flying was something new intirely. It felt wonderful.

Is this really my life? Newt thought to himself as fitted himself out of the window. Like, is this for real?

The sky was getting darker, and Newt wobbled a little bit as he desended down.
Abraham was staring up at him, a big smile on his face.

As he got lower and lower to the ground, Cedric began to stutter a bit. Newt began to wobble even more. Cedric was clearly out of distance reach. When he was around a few feet from the ground, Cedric dropped him completely.

He fell down, and straight into Abraham's arms. He caught him, grabbing him under the arms tighter to make sure that he didn't fall flat on his back.
"You okay?", he whispered. Abe's voice was hot against his neck. Newt merely nodded. "Yeah".

They stayed in the position as Sebastion was coming down. They stared up at their friend, and Newt stood up. Abraham didn't stop him.

Sebastion was also dropped a bit before the ground, and landed on his feet. He straightened up, and looked at the two boys.
"Hello, gentlemen".

Then it was Cedric's turn. Keeping his wand pointed at himself, Newt could see how much of a struggle it was. He wobbled more than the others, but managed not to drop himself. He landed directly on his own two feet.

The sky was nearly completely dark now, stars covering the bluey- black. It reminded Newt of the open sky in Glade. He remembered staring up at the starts for ages, wondering if his parents were up there.

Were they up there, right now? Or were they somewhere else?
Did they remember him?
Did they miss him?
What happened, before he lost memories?

Newt shook his head, trying to shake the thoughts away. Cedric mistook his action.
"You're not changing your mind, are you?", he asked.
"Oh, no. No, no, let's go".

And they did.

Sorry this chapter kind of sucks, I was preoccupied with other things. Is there anything else you want to see for the next chapters?.

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