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The day was finally here. Why was Thomas so nervous? He had been up at dawn, trying to plan ahead of time. He tried not to wake up the others as he lit a fire, freezing cold. But even after he sat, watching the flames, he was still shaking from nerves. He was visibly on edge.

Thomas leaned back, closing his eyes. Breathing deeply, he attempted once more to try and remember anything about any area of his life; but to no avail.
He wasn't surprised. He tried it every day. But he felt more disappointed in himself this time. He ran a hand down his face.

Lora had explained to them the plan: they were going to meet up early, straight after breakfast. "It'll take us over a day to get there by car", she said, "so we'd best be out of here by nine at the latest".

They'd drive until they reached
a hotel. There, they'd stay
the night, and leave the
next morning.
(Let's just all pretend that
Denver and Hogwarts and blah-
blah blah were in the same Region and stuff).

Christmas break was a week and a half long, so they had plenty of time to be in Denver.

After a while, the others eventually shuffled out of bed. Going to breakfast, Thomas realised that he didn't have many clothes to pack. He had the clothes he'd arrived in (not very suitable, as they were more hole than fabric), his uniform, and loungewear that he had been provided with- two t-shirts and tracksuit pants.

Minho had just about the same. "Klunk", he said. "Guess we're going shopping in Denver"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thomas shoved a spoonful of cereal in his mouth as he stared up at the Proffesor's table, eyeing Lora. He was starting to have doubts, but he tried to shrug them off. Minho was practically wolfing down his food, not paying attention to Thomas's nerves.
"Woah, slow down, Min", said Thomas. "It's not going to run away from you"

Minho rolled his eyes. "I know that. I guess I haven't adjusted after rationing in the Maze"

That shut Thomas up fast.

Afterwards, the two headed to the main school entrance. Newt was resting with his back against the wall, his arms folded. He smiled as he spotted his friends. "You two shanks ready to go?"

Thomas went up to him. "Yeah, absolutely", he tried to sound enthusiastic. Even Newt had decided he was kind of excited, and Thomas couldn't take that away from him.

Lora joined the boys shortly afterwards, keys in hand. "Don't you have any luggage?", asked Thomas, noticing her hands were empty.
"I travel light", was Lora's reply. "I hadn't assumed I'd be staying as long as I did". Ah, yes. That.

The boys followed Lora out of the school. The each had a single backpack, none of them owning many possessions. When they eventually reached the car, Lora walked over to the driver's side and and unlocked the light blue five- seater. Minho went over to the left back seat, Thomas in the middle, with Newt on his right.

"You're a witch, right?", Minho asked, "so, is this a magic car?"
Lora shook her head. "I live in a place crowded with Muggles. Rather be safe than sorry".

Thomas had found out that he was a half- blood, same as his mother, although his father was muggle- born.

The car started, and their journey began.

Running Through Hogwarts (Harry Potter X The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now