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This was not the way Thomas thought reuniting with his mother would go.
In his mind, Thomas imagined someone telling him that his mother had found him. After all these years, he was going to meet the woman who raised him, before all of his memories disappeared.

They would meet, and Thomas would run into her arms. They would both cry, and Thomas's mother would hug him, console him.
She would tell him all about his past, memories they had made together before he lost them, why she had given him up. She could explain everything, and maybe even take him back to see his father, or any siblings he may have had.

But ever since starting school, Thomas found that he didn't long for closure as much. Sure, he had thought about those he had lost just about every night, but there was no point in dwelling on the past when you have a perfectly good present. Especially a past that you couldn't remember.

But it didn't go like that.
She had told him about his past.
She had told him why she had given him up.
They had both cried.
But it wasn't like anything how Thomas had imagined.

Newt squeezed his hand as they neared the bottom step. Lora was only a few feet behind them, determined to follow them directly.

Newt stopped suddenly, pulling Thomas back.
"I don't know why you're following us", Newt told her, his accent covering some of the anger in his voice. "You're not going to achieve anything".

"Is Dumbledore still the head?", was all Lora could say.
"Let's go talk to him".

What does Dumbledore have to do with anything?, Thomas thought. But he didn't argue. He tugged on Newt's arm, so that he didn't disagree, either. Thomas didn't know what to do about the situation, so maybe talking to Dumbledore was the worst idea ever.

Thomas felt his heart beating as they neared the school. He felt a kind of numb, like he should be freaking out way more than he actually was. Even though he was freaking out an awful lot.

Students stared as the trio walked down the halls. They were obviously wondering who the new addition was . She wasn't a Professor, so who was she? Thomas hoped that his eyes weren't red.

Thomas had been wishing to finally meet his mother again, but now he hoped that Dumbledore would send her somewhere away.

Short chapter, sorry.

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