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Newt's Pov

Newt had left his friends, and was now walking back down to his own sleeping quarters.

The hallways were now nearly empty, only a few students passed him here and there.

Minho and that other boy- Ron?- had found him leaving the eating hall with his friends. Minho insisted on Newt coming back with them, literally dragging him by the arm.
But because of all that, he didn't really pay much attention to what directions they had been taking. Now, looking around, Newt realised that he was lost.

Shuck it, he thought. Now what the bloody hell do I do? Was he just going to wonder around the halls for who knows how long?

He continued on his way, looking for something familiar. His leg was getting tired, he needed to get back.
He should've asked one of the Gryffindors to go with him.

The hallway was basically empty now. Newt crept along, about to turn a corner.
Before he could, he felt two hands grab his shoulders.

"Ah!", he called out.
"Hey, hey, calm down, Newt. It's just me". New turned around to see Abraham's smiling face. Newt relaxed, relieved. "Bloody hell, hi".

"Are you lost?".
"No. No, of course not".

Abraham grinned. "Oh, good. Becuase for a second there, it looked like you were heading towards Dumbledore's office".
Whoops. "The old fella?".

That earned a laugh from his new friend. "Don't let anyone else hear you say that, but, yeah, yeah, him".
Newt smiled as well. "Well, since you're here, we may as well head back, then", he played off his slint- headedness as a joke.

Abraham smirked. "Yeah, you're right", and then he turned around, and began to walk in the complete opposite direction Newt had come in.

Newt caught up to him, and the two boys talked and laughed all the way back to their dorm.

Really short chapter, I know.

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