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Newt's Pov

Newt was incredible lucky that he was sharing a room with Cedric. Frypan was somewhere else, Newt didn't know where, but no-one seemed to know who he was, yet.

It had been an awfully long time since he had had a good lie-down on a bed. Newt promised himself that he would never take it for granted.

"Hey, Newbie".
Newt also found it strange and weird that he was the new guy again. Being one of the first to arrive at the Glade, he was used to being kind of like a mother-figure to the others, not have it be the other way around.

A boy with light-brown hair came and sat down on his bed. Newt noticed his skin being slightly tanned, strange when the weather outside didn't seem particularly sunny or warm. He also looked, Newt noticed, a bit like Thomas.
"Where are you from?".

Shuck. Newt paused. How was he supposed to answer that? He didn't even remember going to a school. So, he lied.
"Um, a boarding school. Far away from here".
"Oh, cool. And did you do magic there?".
Magic. Newt wasn't sure that he believed in that.

"Uh, no. No, it was a regular school". But what made a regular school?.

The boy nods, contemplating. "Are you muggle-born, then?".


"You know, muggle-born. Were either of your parents witches or wizards?".

Newt thought a lot about his parents. More than he would ever admit to anyone, even to Thomas. Sometimes he thought that he could remember them. See their faces. Think of memories.
But everytime he tried to make them clearer, they disappeared. It devastated the blonde boy, and once again, he would never admit that he'd sometimes go somewhere private, maybe into the woods, and cry.

"I-I don't know". Stop bloody stuttering, you slinthead.

"Oh, well, don't worry about it. You can always write to them, ask them about it", the boy thought that he had come up with a solution. "I'm Abraham, by the way".
"Newt, what?".

The brunette laughed. Newt came to find that he actually liked the sound.
"I mean, what's your last name".

Shuck, shuck shuck.

"Newt...W-Watts?". (If you get that reference, ily). Newt wasn't even sure if that was a real last name.
"Well, nice to meet you", Abraham held out his hand for Newt to shake.
This is my second hand shake in like, an hour, Newt thought to himself. Abraham's grasp was firm.

"You'll have to go to Ollivanders, you know? Get a wand".
Newt hesitated. "Will I really need one?".
Abraham laughed again. Newt smiled.
"Um, yes. Yes, you will", he bit his bottom lip. "You won't have time tomorrow...".

What was he thinking?
"And I haven't had a bit of adventure in a while...".
What was he thinking?

Abraham leant in closer to him. "Wanna sneak out?", he grinned.
Newt was surprised. "I-". Did he? On the first night?

Abraham noticed that Newt was unconvinced. "Cedric would be down, I'm sure. But we've got to be very, really careful. If someone catches us...", he shook his head.

Newt bit the inside of his cheek. "Would that place still even be open?".
Abraham shrugged.
"I don't know. It'll be an adventure, anyway".

Newt thought that he'd had plenty of adventure already. But he wanted these people to like him.
He was new here.
He could re-invent himself.
And he wanted to.

"Okay. Good that".
Abraham pinches the air, in excitement. "Yes! I like you, Newt".
And Newt found out that he rather liked Abraham, too.

"Let's do it!".

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