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Both Thomas and Newt stood deadly still. Newt stopped struggling in Thomas's arms. And yet the woman simply shrugged.

Thomas let go of Newt, and slowly walked around the tower. He let out short bursts of laughter. "You? You're not. You can't be. You can't", he didn't know how to react.

"Tommy? Tommy, it's alright".
"Don't call him that! That's not his name".
Newt walked closer to the woman, fire in his eyes. "You! You don't get a say in this at all, you crazy woman. You come here out of the blue? Who even are you?".

The woman replied calmly. "I'm Stephen's mother".
"Who the bloody hell is Stephen?", Newt yelled. He drew his wand, pointing it directly at her.

Thomas lunged forward. "No! Newt, please, stop. She could be lying straight to our faces".

She probably was. Thomas was put in a Maze. His only memory was his name, not even his shucking age. The  he was brought here. How was he just supposed to trust this woman?

"I'm not lying! I've been searching for you for years! I thought that it was the right thing to do, leaving you with those people".

Thomas was flaming mad. "What people? You're not making any sense!".
"Explain, now. Everything!". Newt held up his wand again, threatening the lady. This time, Thomas didn't stop him.

The woman held up her hands. "Okay, okay. I'll explain".

She went forward towards a windowsill, Newt's wand still pointed at her. It was the exact same windowsill Thomas had sat on. She sat herself down on it, looking directly at Thomas. "I'm going to say a lot of things here, Stephen. But I'm going to need you to trust me".
"You call me that again and I'll push you out of that window".

The woman sighed. "Just let me speak. Your father and I met here, at Hogwarts. He was a Gryffindor, while I was put into the Ravenclaw house.
After school, we dated, got married. But then there was the Flare".

Thomas interrupted her. "You expect me to belive this? You could be making this all up on the spot". He and Newt were still standing.

"I know that you have no right to believe me. But just...listen, okay? I'm trying to explain".

Thomas folded his arms, but let her continue.

"Anyways, the Flare was a virus. It couldn't be stopped. Until a company set up, an organisation, who tried to fight against it.
Your father caught it. He started to go crazy. Slowly, at first, but then he flipped out. You were only five years old at the time, and I, I didn't know what to do. So I ran".

"And then I heard about that organisation. And you must've inherited the Ravenclaw smarts or something, because they wanted you. And with more and more people getting the disease, I didn't know how else to protect you, or to keep you safe".

Thomas had numerous questions, but he managed to keep his mouth shut. Newt didn't.
"So, what you're telling me", he said slowly, "or at least what I'm hearing, you gave up your five year old son, to a company, not knowing why they wanted him or what they were going to do with him, or if you were ever going to see him again?".

"I didn't know what else to do! And I've been looking for you ever since. I know now that it was a mistake, and I-I don't know what they did, but your name's not Thomas. It's just not. Your father and I, we named you Stephen".

The woman began to fiddle with her rings. "That's your name. And I've been trying to track you down. After all these years, I finally got in touch with someone. Two people, actually. Um, Robert and...Michael! That's just name.
They told me where you were, so here I am. I suppose I still held on to a little bit of hope that you would remember me, but I guess not".

She looked up again. "I'm done".

Running Through Hogwarts (Harry Potter X The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now