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Thomas's POV

Two weeks had successfully gone by since the boys had arrived at Hogwarts.

They all learnt simple spells, and were absolutely amazed at what they could all do. They eventually progressed to more difficult charms, as thus wasn't first year, they all had to learn quickly to catch up tit heir classmates.

Thinks was waling down the hall with Oliver Wood. That evening, they were going to watch Cedric and Harry compete in the Tri Wizards Tournament.

"Is Harry good at Quidditch?", asked Thomas. He had learnt all about the game, especially after hanging around with Oliver. He was captain of the Gryffindor team. Or- Keeper. But Thomas preferred to keep that title for the Glader jobs.

A few nights ago, Thomas began to get nightmares from the memories of the Glade and the Maze.

He dreamt that after his friends found out that he worked for WICKED, they all turned on him. They despised Thomas, and when it came to being saved, they pushed him out of the helicopter, leaving without him.

Thomas fell down and down, and then straight into the Box. It didn't injure him, but the grounds began to spin.
Panting, Thomas got out of the Box. In the distance, he saw something moving closer and closer to him. Squinting, he saw that it was a Griever.

The Griever began to sprint towards the boy, who let out a scream.

A scream that woke his roommates up.
They weren't mad, but Thomas made sure that it would never happen again. He still had the dreams, but the screaming had stopped. Out loud, anyway.

Little did he know, Newt was having nightmares, too.

But now, in the present, Oliver answered him.
"Harry? Harry's an incredible Quidditch player. Made the team first year, he did", Oliver said.

Thomas nodded. This was going to be his evry first time seinf a game in real life. He was quite excited.

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"Come on, I need to see Harry on a shucking flying broomstick!", Minho was practically dragging Thomas down the hallways. Thomas laughed. "You're more excited than me".

They were going to neet Newt and Frypan before going to watch. Thomas wrapped his Gryffindor scarf tighter around his neck, and in doing so, nearly crashed face-first into Professor McGonegal.

"Woah! Woah, calm down, boys", she said. "There are enough seats for all of the students".

Minho grinned as Thomas stumbled over his words. "Yes, sorry, Professor. We're just a little bit excited, I guess".

Professor McGonegal waved them off. "Don't let me keep you, then. I'll see you boys in our next class".
"Thank you, Professor". Once again, the boys sprinted away.

        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Tommy!". Newt held out his arms, and Thomas ran into them, hugging his friend. "Where's Fry?", he asked, when they parted.
"Oh, he's coming soon. He and Winston managed to let someone's owl out of their cage, they're finishing up in detention".

Oh, well done, Thomas thought. Winston, although sorted into Ravenclaw, was still one of Frypan's best friends. They had accidently let out someone's cat last week, and obviously they hadn't learnt their lesson.

Minho chuckled. "Those shanks keep on getting caught. They need to be more slick".
Minho had begun to sneak out of their dorm room each night. Thomas wasn't sure why, but somehow, his friend never got caught.

Thomas rolled his eyes, putting his arms around his friends' shoulders. He loved being with his friends. The other kids were cool, but he knew fkr a fact that these two would always have his back.

"Did you tell Harry I wished him good luck?", asked Newt. Although their roommates were competing against each other, they were all being good sports about it.
Thomas nodded. "'Course. Same with Cedric?".
"Good that".

The boys knew that they needed to go and sit down now. They bid each other goodbye, and went their separate ways.

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