Thirty- Eight

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"Expelliarmus!", Harry cried once more, causing Minho to drop his wand yet again. Cedric was laughing so much that he nearly fell over.

"Let me have a go, shuck face", Minho panted, exhausted.

It had been yet another two and a half weeks in Hogwarts. The next week would be the start of Christmas break. All of the Gladers would be some of the few students to stay behind, having no where is go for Christmas. even Harry was staying with Ron, so they really would be all alone.

"Expelliarmus!", Harry yet again knocked Minho's wand out of his hands.

"Come on, Min, you're not even trying!", laughed Thomas. He was sitting on a rock Newt's back pressing against his arm and his shoulder.

"I am trying, you slinthead", Minho shot back.
There was a large group surrounding them, the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuffs laughing and joking as Harry defeated his friend. Although it was December, it wasn't particularly too cold.

Ron swapped places with Harry, but just as Thomas was about to enjoy the show, Lora walked out into the gardens.

Minho put his wand behind his back, looking away. Lora walked straight past him, up to Thomas.

"Would you mind if I have a word?", she asked him directly. Thomas looked to his friends, wondering what this was about . "Uh, sure?".

Thomas straightened up, gently moving Newt away from him. He and Lora were getting on better, but they hadn't exactly reached a mother- son relationship just yet.
He was also doing well in class, so why did the woman want a word with him?

Thomas followed Lora down the halls, all the way to an empty classroom. She held the door open for him, closing it when he was all of the way through.

"Is everthing okay?",  he didn't know what else to say.

Lora nodded. "Yes, yes. But I have a thing I want to ask you".
"Yeah?", this couldn't wait? He had class with her in a few days.
"You don't have anywhere to go for the holidays, do you?", she didn't phrade it as a question.

No, I have so many plans, Thomas thought sarcastically. Got so many people to visit.
Still, he shook his head at her.

"I was thinking. Usually I spend the holidays alone, but, maybe...", she trailed off.

Lora sighed. "Look, I know that you don't remember me, or anything else about your life, but...maybe you'd like to spend Christmas with me?".

What? " your house?".
"Yeah. It's ina  place called Denver. It'd be better than staying at school, anyway".

She wanted Thomas to leave the only place that he felt safe, even though she still did count as a stranger to him?
Was she out of her shucking mind?

Lira saw the way the boy was still unconvinced. "It's the same house that you grew up in, the same city", she tried to persuade him. "And we'll be back after the break's up".

But Thomad shook his head. "No", he said. "No, no I can't leave my friends".
"They can come too", the woman replied quickly. "They'd be more than welcome to".

Thomas paused again, thinking. It wouldn't be fair to leave his friends. It just wouldn't. But, then again, this could be a way for him to bond with his mother. And in the city that he grew up in...

"Can I talk to my friends about it?", he asked. Lora nodded quickly. "Of course. But I'm really hoping that you'll go regardless of what they say".

Thomas looked towards the door. "I can go right now, see what they think".
His friends might not want to go with their new professor, they might want to stay in the school. Thomas wasn't even sure if he wanted to go, either.

Quick chapter. Didn't edit.

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