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"This shucking thing", Minho muttered bitterly, as the four boys walked down the lengths of halls. Minho was pulling his red and gold striped tie away from his neck.
The new boys didn't know how to put on a tie. They had needed help. Thomas felt like he was being choked.

They were all walking down to the big eating hall again.
Man, Thomas thought. What I would do to go for some of Frypan's food right now.

Ron had repeatedly told each of them that he was 'starving', and so they had speed-walked down the corridors.

Thomas whipped around at the sound of his nickname. Newt was at the other end of the hallway, surrounded by a group of boys. He was smiling and waving.
"Bye, guys", Thomas didn't turn around to his new friends, just simply waved in their general direction, his back to them. He and Minho rushed over, neither Ron nor Harry even trying to stop them.

Newt came over as well, clearly wanting to meet them halfway, but his limp slowed him down a small bit, even if he too used to be a Runner.

Newt flung his arms around both if his friends shoulders, despite the fact that he had only seen them yesterday. Thomas had missed him.
"Bloody hell, it's good to see you two shanks", said Newt. "How was your night?".

Thomas smiled at the blonde. "Yeah, fine. When did you get the uniform?", he noticed his friend was fully kitted out in the Hufflepuff clothes and colours. Newt looked down. "Oh, well, funny story, actually-".

He didn't get to finish his story. Shuck, he didn't even get to start telling his story; the other group of boys that Newt was with came over to them.
"Oh, yes. Guys, these are my roommates", Newt pointed out each of the boys in turn. "Cedric, Sebastion, and Abraham. And this", Newt turned  to the Gladers, "are my friends, Tommy, and, Minho".

Thomas and Minho straightened their lips, nodding. They felt slightly awkward, but Cedric and Sebastion smiled at them. Abraham didn't- he frowned at Thomas, looking at him up and down. Newt was standing closer to Thomas and Minho, unsure of what was going on.

"We should go and eat...", Cedric stated, looking at Newt, who hesitated. "You'll see your friends after breakfast", Abraham piped up, "we have potions with be the Gryffindors next".

Potions? What, like experiments?".

Newt nodded. "Okay, let's go".
Just before he trailed after his new friends, Newt swing back around. He pulled a wand out of his robe. "Look at this!".

Thomas and Minho's mouths were hung open, as Newt gleefully put the wand back. He smiled at them and turned around again, catching up.

"When did he have the time to get that?", Minho asked, still staring straight ahead.
"I have no idea".

I have a few ideas of where to go next, but if there's anything you want to see, please feel free to say so.
This can of course include a change in POVS, adding in people from other fandoms, OCs, conversations between characters, etc.

Running Through Hogwarts (Harry Potter X The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now