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Thomas flopped on his back onto his bed, covering his face with his hands. He groaned, but only Harry was left in the room to hear him.
"I'm guessing that you don't like Hogwarts very much?", asked Harry, half- jokingly.

Thomas rolled over onto his side. "It's not that. Well, it is that, but, I guess I'm just not used to it, the whole school thing, you know?", he shook his head.

Harry was busy taking off his tie and jumper. "Did you go straight home after lessons at your old school, then?".
"I was...not there most of the day".

It was finally the end of the day. Right now, Thomas would probably be eating whatever meal Frypan had cooked up, talking with Chuck.
Chuck. Thomas felt a stab of pain in his chest. He reached down into the pocket in his pants, feeling the small wooden statue his friend had given him. He kept it with him, at all times.

Before Harry could reply, Ron and Minho burst through the door. Minho was dragging someone in by the arm-

Harry stood up. "Other houses really shouldn't be in the Gryffindor quarters-".
"Oh, shush, Harry. It's just this once!", Ron interrupted him. "Leave the Newbies see their friend".

Thomas got up and hugged his friend.
"Good to see you, mate", Newt smiled, his words muffled by Thomas's shoulder. "You doing okay?".
"Fine, I suppose. But Minho and I still need to-", he gestured to Newt's clothes, "-get like, all of our stuff".

Newt nodded. "Fair enough, good that. But, look!", he grinned, getting out his wand. It was made from some type of wood, with a handle. Newt excitedly ushered for everyone to pay attention. "My friends taught me this".

He looked around, and then rushed forward to Thomas, taking off his tie.
"What are you doing?".
"You'll see".

He held it in his hand. Newt pointed his wand at it, his grip tightening. Taking a deep breath, he said slowly, "reducio!".

It was like magic. Well, it was magic, but still. The tie shrunk to half of its' original size.

"Woah!", both Thomas and Minho gasped, rushing over to get a better look. Ron and Harry exchanged a glance.

Thomas picked up the tie, examining it. It was still a tie, but it was now also way too small to be worn. It was amazing.
Minho grabbed it, motioning it towards Harry. "Can you fix it?".

Harry took the tie almost lazily in his hand. He reached for his wand, and waved it around. "Engorgio!".
Low and behold, the tie was back to its' normal size. Harry could, indeed, do excellent spells and magic. Thomas began to laugh happily.

"Can I try?", he asked his friend, holding out his hand.
"Sure!", said Newt, eagerly. He handed over his wand. Thomas took it, studying how it looked and felt.

"You guys really shouldn't be messing around with other people's wands", Ron told them.
Newt smiled at him. "It's alright, I don't mind!". But when he turned back to his friends, he gave a slight eye roll.

Both Minho and Thomas had fun with the wand.
Thomas wanted one of his own.

Sorry, short chapter. I've been kinda swamped recently, but I've got the greatest idea coming along. Just wait :)

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