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Ron and Harry were already sitting down, talking to some girl. She had sort of a dirty-blonde- brunette type of hair. It kind of reminded Thomas of Newt's hair.

Both him and Minho went over to them, not knowing anywhere else to sit. Luckily, Ron moved over for them happily enough.
Thomas began to wonder what the day would bring, as Minho slumped in his chair.

"Thomas, Minho, this is Hermoine", Ron introduced them to the girl. She smiled at the two boys. "You're new, aren't you? Came here yesterday?". Her accent in her voice was thick, and yet again, Thomas was reminded of Newt.
Since Thomas didn't reply, Minho did for him. "Yeah, arrived just last night. What was your name again?".
"Hermoine Granger".

Thomas had never heard a name like that before.
Well, at least she knew her last name.

As food was being rolled out to the students, Harry leaned forward, to see Minho and Thomas over Ron.
"So, tell us about your old school. Where was it? Would we know it?"


"Probably not", came Thomas's reply.
"Try us".
Thomas looked at Minho, who gave him a blank stare.
"The Glade. It was called the Glade".

I mean, technically, he wasn't really lying.

"Oh, you're right, I don't know it", Harry leaned back again.
Hermoine looked confused. "Is it a magical school? I don't understand why we don't know it".

Come on, Minho, thought Thomas. Say something. I'm all alone here. But Minho didn't. He didn't even reach for any food, as Ron was doing.
"No it was a...a normal school. To be honest, I don't even know what the klunk we're doing here". Which was true.

"But I thought you said you were purebloods?", Harry had a mouthful of food.
"Yeah? So what?", what the klunk is a pureblood?
"Well, you must have received a letter when you were like, eleven? Yeah?".
I am so confused right now.
"Can we not talk about it?", he hoped that they would sense that this wasn't a topic Thomas wanted to discuss. He could play it off as something private in his past. Hopefully they would leave it alone.

"Oh, okay".
Thank the Lord God.

Breakfast was over before Thomas good say shuck. He didn't want to go to 'lessons', but Newt was going to be there, so he guessed that that was okay.
Ron stood up, and slapped the table. "Fun, we get to go and do lessons with Snape". It was clear from his voice that it was going to be anything but fun.

All five students stood up and began walking to the entrance again. The small group headed down to class. Thomas itched away at his jumper, nervous. He didn't even remember going to school, so how was he supposed to know what to do in this whole new lesson?

Minho trailed back, oddly quiet. He hung his head, staring down at his shoes as he walked.
"You okay?", Thomas fell into step with him. Minho shoved his hands into his pockets. "Fine, why?".
"No reason, you just look...", Thomas didn't dare finish his sentence. Minho shot him a warning look.
He was definitely on edge.


Thomas did have too much time to worry about his friend. He nearly crashed face- first into Ron's back, as Ron abruptly stopped in front of him.

Harry opened the door, and inside was a very large room. There were rows upon rows of desks inside, some students already filling them.
Thomas looked around. Newt was not one of them.

He sighed, and followed the Gryffindors to their seats. Hermoine held out a chair for him, and he flopped down, the wooden seat hard and uncomfortable. He lent his head back, then widened his eyes as he saw a man walking towards them in his upside- down vision.

The mans' black hair and Cape sailed behind him as he strode through the small walking section in- between each of the desks.
He wore an angry expression on his face, his eyes narrowed. Thomas was already scared of him.

The room fell silent as the man raised his wand. Minho lifted an eyebrow.

Suddenly, two wooden shutters slammed shut. Thomas jumped, and Harry leaned sideways to whisper in his ear; "that's Professor Snape".


Professor Snape turned around to the class full of wide-eyed students, his back straight.
He noticed Thomas.
Why was it always Thomas?
"You! Name?", his voice was loud, but not booming.

Thomas shrunk back. Klunk. "Thomas".
"Thomas what, boy?".
"Thomas...", think, Thomas, think! He ran a hand over his mouth, muttering out the most random syllables and constants he could, hoping that it would mean something.
"What was that?".

"Forgive me, sir, I believe he just said Stilinski", Hermoine raised her hand in the air.
For a hundred bucks, Thomas couldn't have told you what he had just said. But Hermoine had saved him.

Professor Snape lifted up his head, unconvinced. "Oh, really? And two points from Gryffindor for speaking out of turn, Hermoine. As for you, that is certainly not a name I have heard, Mr. Stilinski. Are you muggle-born?".

Was he what? "I-I don't know".

Harry once again leaned over. "No, you're a pureblood".
"I'm pureblood", he said.

Snape folded his arms. "Just when I thought I knew all of the pureblood families", he seemed to accept the fact. He glanced at Minho. "You're also new. Name, now".

Minho knew better than to only state his first name. He looked up from a big textbook in front of him, running his finger down the pages side.
"Minho, Paige?", he said. (Anyone understand the Ava Paige reference?).

"And do either of you have wands?".
They needed to get wands?
"No, sir".
"Three points from Gryffindor".

After giving a whole one point to Hufflepuff, as Newt had a wand, Thomas sat back and proceeded to not understand a single word of potions class.
Not a word.

Him and Minho didn't even bother to look at each other throughout the class. And every time Thomas looked at Newt, the blonde seemed to want to cry.
This was their life now? One that they didn't understand?

But finally, class was over. Professor Snape dismissed them all, and everyone hurried out of the classroom. Thomas was ready for a break, but he wanted to find his friend, first.
"Come on, you two", Ron pulled Thomas by the back of the collar. "We have another class to get to".

Running Through Hogwarts (Harry Potter X The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now