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Newt's POV
(But still written in the third- person).

I will explain my reasons for putting each Glader in what houses at the end of the chapter. Sorry if you disagree :).

Newt gazed up at the man in front of him. He was behind a table, many other adults at his side. He was speaking to the room, telling them about Newt and the others.
Newt was nervous, but he tried not to show it. The man looked at the Gladers now.

"My name is Professor Dumbledore", he said, authority filling his voice. "I am the Head here, and I expect each and every one of you to follow the school rules, and I expect you", he looked up at the students, "to treat these people with the utmost respect".

Professor Dumbledore turned, and grabbed something that Newt could not see. He glanced over at Minho and Thomas, trying to read their facial expressions. They both looked as blank as he felt.
Dumbledore turned back around, a pointed hat in his hands. One other adult with black hair and black clothes pulled out a wand, and, pointing it at a spare chair, moved it over in front of the table that they were all seated at.

Minho jumped back, shocked and amazed at what just happened. Before Newt could even think, the hat, yes, the hat itself, starting speaking.
"Ah! New students!", it's voice was loud, and Newt was sure he was dreaming. He pinched himself just to check.
"Well? Who's going to be first? We must sort you into your houses!".

Houses? Newt thought that everyone lived in this giant castle all together. Dumbledore got out his own wand, and pointed it at Newt. "You!", he said. Newt jumped back, scared that something was going to happen. A few snickers ran out through the hall.
"You, boy. Come on, sit down", the Professor continued. He pointed at the seat.
Newt didn't move. It was like his feet were stuck to the ground.
Thomas gentely pushed his friend on the back, signalling and telling him to go on up. Newt slowly steeped forward, afraid to turn his back on the man.

Newt sat down, facing the tables. Each student looked up at him with expectant eyes. Newt felt on show.
Before he knew what was happening, Dumbledore placed the hat on top of Newt's head. It immediately began to move around, feeling each and every part of Newt's head. Newt shrunk back into himself, not used to such a strange and sensational feeling.
His friends looked up at him, as well, shock on their faces.

"Hmm. Oh, yes, we do have some bravery here", the hat was speaking again, its voice ringing out, and echoing on the walls back to them. "Smart boy, too, you are. But the decision is very clear. You belong in Hufflepuff!".

A cheer came from one of the tables. They were clapping and calling him over. Newt didn't know what a Hufflepuff was, or what was happening.
"Go and sit down, boy", Professor Dumbledore said from behind him, taking the hat off of his head.

Newt slowly got up, cautiously moving toward the table. The students all pushed up, making room for their new member. Newt reluctantly walked past his friends, and went to sit down. The table was still full of scatter claps. Newt sat down next to a brunette boy, who handed him a long robe.

"What's this?", Newt asked him. The boy was slightly confused, but kept his smile up. "Your robes", he answered. "Go on, put them on".
Newt examined the robe before opening it up and putting it on. He glanced down at a small picture on the left of it, trying to read it upside- down, as Winston was called up to sit.

"The shuck?", Newt asked. "Hufflepuff? I thought this place was called Hogwarts?".
The boy laughed as others around the table exchanged glances with each other. "The school  is called Hogwarts, but this", he gestured around the table, "Is Hufflepuff".

Oh. Newt finally understood. It was like the difference jobs in the Glade. "So, why am I here? In Hufflepuff, I mean".
"Hufflepuff fits your personality the best", a girl from the other side of the table said.

"Gryffindor!". Newt and the others had looked back sharply to see who was seated. Minho takes the hat off of himself, and walks over to a table that Newt guessed was called 'Gryffindor'.
Minho ran his fingers through his hair, something he did when he was nervous but he didn't want to show it.

"Oh", Newt perked up. "Um, I'm going to go and sit with my friend". Before Newt could stand up, another boy reached across and pulled him down again. Newt shrugged him off. "What are you doing?".
"You're not a Gryffindor", the boy said. "You sit with the Hufflepuffs, yeah?".

Newt slumped back. He wanted to be with his friend.

Thomas was next up for the hat. He winced a little bit as the hat moved around his head.
"Well, you're tricky", the hat told him. "Loyal, sure. But you've got a lot of brains".

Well, Newt thought, the hat wasn't wrong. Newt had seen a lot of weird and strange things. A talking hat was nothing compared to the beetle blades or Grievers. Newt shook his head. He had to stop thinking about the Maze now.

The hat was still talking. "But you've done some pretty brave things.'re pretty brave, eh? You belong in...Gryffindor!".

The table Minho was at begun to explode in applause. Thomas got down, and sat next to his friend. Newt was envious that his two best friends got to be with each other and he didn't.

The boy who has first spoken to him held out his hand. "Cedric, by the way".
"Newt". Newt allowed the boy to shake his hand a few times.
"Hey, I think there was a Hufflepuff Newt that went here", Cedric said thoughtfully. "It was many years ago, I don't know for sure".

Newt didn't understand the point in that story. But he didn't say anything. He glanced over at Teresa, who was walking down to sit near Gally at another table.
"Oof, two Slytherins in such a small group", one girl nudged her friend.
"Wh-what's wrong with Slytherin?", Newt asked Cedric, who was busy stuffing his face with a bread roll. Still, Newt realised, he didn't look bad.

"Oh, I don't think there was one good witch or wizard who came out of there", Cedric replied. He picks up another bread roll, handing it over. "Here, you want one?".

Newt was in shock, but still took the roll. He was starving.
"What? Wizards? So you shanks are serious about the whole magic thing?".
"Yeah..", Cedric replied slowly, as the boy who had told Newt to sit back down and eat with the Hufflefuffs asked quietly, "Shanks?".

"You'll need to get yourself a wand", Cedric continued. Newt couldn't speak, his mouth was too full, but he still tried to ask, "Wand?".

Okay, I feel like we all agree that Newt is a Hufflepuff, Gally and Teresa are Slyhterins.

Minho- I put Minho in Gryffindor because he was Keeper of the Runners, you have to be more brave than anything. Yes he's smart and he has a really good memory, but I decided against putting him in Ravenclaw because of all the brave things he did in the books and in the movies.

Thomas- I also put Thomas in Gryffindor for a number of reasons.
I didn't think it would be good to have the Ivy Trio all over the place.
Yes he was really smart, obviously, but also a bit clueless.
He was also obviously very brave, because of all the things that he did.

All of the Gladers are smart. Obviously, that's why they're there. But they can't all be oit into Ravenclaw.

Newt- I think this is self' explanatory. I feel like we all agree on this. The same with Teresa and Gally.

If you guys don't agree, I'm sorry.
But I think I made pretty good choices so.

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