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"So, is Cedric all okay?". Thomas and Newt were walking back out of the library after an over hour long study sesh.
They hadn't had some one-on-one friend time in a while, so Thomas suggested the idea a few days ago.

Cedric had been hospitalised for nearly three weeks now, and was no longer allowed to take part in the TriWizards Tournament.

Cedric had been sad, naturally, but had luckily accepted it without too much of a fuss. He was finally allowed back into his dorm yesterday.

Newt answered Thomas's question. "Yeah. He's just a bit tired. But otherwise fine".
"Well, that's good then". It was a Sunday, so neither of the boys needed to rush back to class. They both continued down the halls, a comfortable silence between them.

"Hey, Newt!".
The two didn't stop walking, but Thomas saw who was calling out to his friend. Benton someone, a Ravenclaw.

Newt waved at him, and to the boy next to him. Then he started using his hands to say sometjung to them before they were out of sight.
Benton laughed, and the other kid smiled, talking back. Nicholas was his name.

Thomas was proud of Newt. Ever since he found out that Nicholas was deaf, Newt had been trying to learn sign language, opening up every book he could find on the matter.
He had tried to teach Thomas a few things, but Thomas's found that he was useless talking with his hands.

"I'm proud of you, Newt. You're a really good friend", said Thomas, as they strolled down the wooden floors. Newt looked up at him, surprised. It was like he had never heard the word before. "Really? Thank you, Tommy".

Thomas grinned at the nickname. "We still have loads of time left before dinner. What do you wanna do?".
Both of them paused, thinking. Neither of them knew the place all too well, so they didn't know anywhere they could go.

"Hey, we could go to that tower. The one Minho's always talking about?", the brunette suggested. Minho had been sneaking out after lights- out to see some girl he had met. Minho said they went up to this tower outside the school, and spoke about how isolated it was.
Newt snapped his finger, pointing to Thomas. "Oh, yeah! We haven't explored this place at all, and we've been here for, what? Two months?".

Had it been that long already?

The two friends continued to walk, till they were out of the halls, out of the school. The blonde turned to Thomas. "What's her name again? Minho's little girlfriend?".
"Cho Chang, I think".

Thomas knew that Minho and Cho weren't 'technically' going out, but they had been meeting up for a while now, and Minho spoke quite fondly of her.
Harry did try to stop Minho from sneaking out a few times, but the ex- Runner didn't listen.

Now, Thomas and Newt were going to a place where Minho and Cho presumably did more than just look at the view.
What a weird thought.

         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The tower was made up of cold stone brick. The amount of stairs leading up was exhausting. The boys made their way up, and Thomas could see his breath in the cold air.

"Bloody hell, my leg's killing me", Newt said. He grabbed Thomas's shoulder, pulling himself up the last few steps. "You're going to have to shucking carry me down later".

Thomas chuckled. He was in the round tower now, and he pulled his scarf tighter around his neck.

Thomas sat on the stone windowsill, but there was no glass to protect him if he were to stumble backwards.

There were multiple other windowsills to sit on, but Newt chose to sit on the floor, his back against the wall, his bad leg straightened out.
Thomas cocked his head to the side. "You okay?".
"Me? Yeah?".

Running Through Hogwarts (Harry Potter X The Maze Runner)Where stories live. Discover now