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Thomas's Pov

Thomas kept on trying to glance back at Newt, but Newt had his back to him. Thomas was glad to have Minho by his side.

He was given a robe, amd as he put it on, he watched Teresa walk over to another table, something a red-haired boy had called 'Slytherin'. An identicle red-haired boy next to him shook his head.

Thomas heard someone say the phrase "bloody hell". He snapped his head up, wondering why someone was using Newt's catchphrase. Turns out, it was just a boy talking to his friend, a girl with a book in front of her.
Minho looked at Thomas, clearly he had thought the same thing. People here sounded like Newt.

Minho reached for some food, and Thomas decided to take advantage of the situation while he could. Both boys begun to stuff their faces, as Frypan went to the Hufflepuff table.
Looking around, Thomas realised that all of the students were not just wearing robes, but jumpers, ties, and scarves, all different colours than the tables next to them. Everyone here was wearing red and gold.

"Hey, new guys", someone called out to them both. "What are your names?".
"Guess we're the Greenies again", Minho muttered, just loud enough for Thomas to hear.
Suppressing his laugh, Thomas looked up at the voice. It was a brunette boy, with very short hair.

"Thomas", he answered him.
"Minho", his friend barely bothered to look up.
"Well, I'm Oliver", the boy nodded. "I'm the Keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch team".

Now, the boys both looked up sharply. "You're...a Keeper?", Minho asked.
Oliver was confused. "Yeah. Why? Did you guys play Quidditch at your old school?".

Minho snorted into his food, trying to keep a straight face.
"No, not exactly..", Thomas replied. Luckily, Oliver didn't seem to question it any further.

(Not exactly OCs, but I am going to be making up these peoples personalities ig haha).

Tim sat down next to Thomas, and was given a robe. Now, Thomas realised that Tim was the last person to have been sorted.
Michael and the man who's name Thomas still did not know were graciously thanking Dumbledore. They begun to walk out of the hall, barely waving goodbye to the Gladers as they did so.

Thomas expecting one of the adults to come and talk to them, explain to them what was going on. But they didn't.
So Thomas continued to eat.

"Minho!", someone else called out. Minho looked up, but the voice retracted.
"Oh, you're..okay, no, sorry, I meant Thomas".
Thomas now let his eyes flicker up to a girl looking directly at him. "Yes, you. Are you a muggle?".
Huh? Thomas didn't want to have to learn a whole new language again.

"Excuse me?", he asked. But his tone of voice came out wrong. It sounded like he was insulted. The girl's face turned red.
"Oh, sorry. So you're pureblood?".

Thomas didn't know what this meant, either. Pureblood? Did that mean that his blood was...pure? He was pretty sure it was, considering WICKED wanted to use his blood for a cure.
"Yeah, yeah I am", Thomas said. He hoped that would shut her up.

The others seemed happy with this answer. Both Tim and Minho said that they were purebloods, too.
"Wow, so is your whole group just full of purebloods?", a boy asked.
Thomas was more confused than he had been when he had first come out of the Box. "Yeah, I guess". Maybe magic people had something else in their blood as well. Thomas hoped that they could just be a little bit more quiet now.

"The shuck are we doing here?", Minho muttered. Thomas nudged him, silently telling his friend to shut up.
"Hope you don't mind me saying, but you guys have funny accents", one of the two red-heads told them. Thomas didn't know what to do with that informations. He raised his eyebrows and simply nodded at him.

"Yeah, why are you and your friend attending Hogwarts so late in the game?", asked Oliver.
"Didn't really have a choice", Minho said bitterly. Thomas nudged him again. "Our parents, um, forced us to come here", he lied. Even though he couldn't remember them, Thomas knew that he must have parents. He longed and yearned for them sometimes, which he also thought he was absurd. How could you possibly miss something you couldn't remember, or possibly never had?

"Oh, yeah", smirked Minho. "Yeah, our parents really wanted us to come here".
Thomas hoped that the other Gladers weren't giving stories that were too different to the other students. Yet again, Thomas turned around to try and look at Newt. His back was still turned to him. Minho's fingers went through the side of his hair.

       . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Later, all of the students began to leave the hall. Thomas and Minho were pushing their way through various and several students, desperate trying not to get lost.
"There he is!", Minho shoved his way over to his blonde friend. "Newt!".

Newt stood still, while the others pushed around him. He had somehow lost Frypan in the crowd, and was now left to stand alone.
Minho and Thomas stood beside him, as the hall emptied.
"What the bloody hell is going on here?",  Newt asked them. Thomas shrugged. "Whatever we do, we've got to stick together".
"I'll talk to the old fella, see if he'll let me switch houses", Newt suggested.
Minho agreed. "It's worth a shot, I guess".

Thomas noticed that Newt began to wring his hands.
"Hey! You two, the Gryffindors!". Yet another boy Thomas's had not met called over to them. He was a Gryffindor as well, by the looks of it, a long red and gold scarf around his neck. "You have to follow us! We're going back to the Gryffindor dormitories".

Thomas reluctantly looked back at Newt. He didn't want to leave his friend behind. "What about him?".
The boy shrugged. "He will have to follow the Hufflefuffs. Now, come on",  he turned to leave.
Thomas didn't want to get left behind. So, he quickly gave Newt a pat on the shoulder, trying to apologise with his eyes before following Minho out into the jungle of halls.

Thomas was thinking about Newt as he walked. Would his friend be okay? Thomas hoped so. He hadn't wanted to leave him behind. He will try and find him later.
He was obviously nervous, Thomas thought. It was clear. But, then again, so was Thomas himself. He didn't know this place at all. Minho was right, they really are the new Greenies again.

Thomas was so busy thinking about Newt, he didn't realise that he had completely lost Minho.
"Shuck it".
Thomas looked around, and saw a kid with blonde hair, so blonde that it was almost white, holding a wand tightly.
"Hey!", he called out to him. The boy turned, shocked and unaware that he had been followed.

"Sorry", Thomas apologised. "But, um, do you know which way the Gryffindors go?".
The boy crossed his arms, seemingly unimpressed. "Gryffindor", he said. He was obviously not a fan. Regardless, he pointed his wand to another hall. "Then to the right".

Thomas thanked him and hurried off.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If you have any suggestions on what I should do, please feel free to comment!

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