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"Evanesco! Evaneso!". Thomas was getting annoyed with himself. He was sitting in Transfiguration class, trying his best to turn a meseley feather invisible. "Evanesco!".

But he couldn't do it. Minho had  somehow managed it, but Thomas felt like breaking his wand in half. His voice was tight as he kept on going.

"Thomas, calm down. It's okay", Ron said, from beside him, then touched his friends wand gentely, lowering it down. "Remember, it's just a spell".

Thomas nodded, refusing to meet anyone's eyes. He was a little bit on edge.
Thomas closed his eyes, breathing in.

It's just a stupid spell, he thought. Picking up his wand, he tried again. "Evanesco! "

But only the tiny tips of the white feather faded. Thomas threw down his wand again in defeat. "This is stupid".

He needed water. Thomas raised his hand, trying to get the attention of Professor McGonegal.

Once he did, the teachere walked over, adjusting her hat. "Yes?".
"May I use the bathroom, please?".

McGonegal lifted an eyebrow. "Show me your spell, first".

Thomas silently grounded inside. He wanted to get out of there. He hovered his wand over the object, pleading for it to work. "Evanesco!". This time, the whole top of the feathere disappeared. But it was nothing composed to the other students, who had mastered this spell years ago. He was so far behind them all. Professor McGonegal sighed. "Off you go, then".

Thomas literally fled the classroom. Minho glanced up at his friend, but the brunette didn't return his friend's gaze.

Once outside in the hall, Thomas leant against the closed door, his back flat on the wood. He breathed in and out, trying to focus .

Why was he so off? It was a good thing his mother was here. It was selfish to be feeling this way. Right?

Thomas went into the bathrooms, cupping his hands and filling them with water from the running tap.

He gulped it, barely taking in any time to breathe. He rested his forehead on the cool sink, trying to gather his thoughts. He didn't want to go back to class.

So he didn't.

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Glader walked in the opposite direction of where he was supposed to be going. Newt was in a class with Snape right now, wasn't he?

Thomas cautiously opened the door and peeked through. The room was filled with Hufflepuffs on one side, Slytherins on the other.

Glancing around, Thomas saw Newt in the second to last back row, on the left. He was leaning his face against his palm, listening to the teacher. "Psst", Thomas tryed to get his friend's attention "Newt!".

Instead, he managed to grab the attention of a Slytherin girl. She looked back at him, moving here black hair out of her eyes. Thomas didn't look up at her. "Newt!".

The girl turned away, and tore a sheet of paper out of her book. She whispered to the kid next to her, some boy with blonde hair, who pointed at Newt .

Snape was facing the front Slytherin row, not realising that was going on. Thomas was nearly about to give up, when the dark- haired girl threw her now scrunched- up sheet of paper at the blonde.

It hit him directly on the side of the head. Newt turned, looking to Right of him, confusion covering his face.

The Slytherin girl pointed do Thomas. Newt whipped his head around and at him.

Thomas gestured for Newt to leave the room.

Newt licked his bottom lip, looking at Snape, who had began talking again. Then he held up a thumbs- up.

By now, they had grabbed the attention of most kids in the back rows, as Newt slid under the table. And surprisingly, the students silently moved as of his way.

Thomas looked up at the girl who had helped him. He smiled at her, thanking her. And she smiled back.

Snape was completely oblivious as Thomas stepped back from the door, allowing Newt to escape.

Yes yes a very short chapter we love it.

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