Chapter 2

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After my interaction with Charles earlier on, what I thought was going to feel like the worst day ended up being slightly less miserable. Once he'd arrived I didn't really want to leave, his calmness and how he didn't hesitate to speak to me even though he didn't know me intrigued me a little. He didn't know but he helped even thought it was the slightest bit, he helped me feel a little less lonely this morning. Of course Lily did as well.

Speaking of Lily she walked straight through the door and came straight over to be engulfing me in a hug. As she said she brought loads of snacks and I could already see the raspberry ripple ice cream in the bottom of the bag, my absolute favourite. Lily spoilt me I couldn't thank her enough, I couldn't never thank you enough because she made me feel so special and I would always want to repay her for little things she did for me even if they were small gestures they meant the world to me.

"So how was your walk, did it make you feel better" she asked knowing i'd been up the hill as i'd told her on the phone earlier. I smiled a little thinking about Charles taking time to speak to me a little whilst I was up there for the small amount of time he was. "Oh, a smile? Please don't tell me you've let him back I will kill you Alena Pavelli." she said pointing her finger at me with full seriousness in her eyes.

"No of course not, I just met someone on the hill who just took a little time to talk to me and he made it a little easier" I told her about my small conversation with the stranger.

"Did you get his name?" she asked, beating me to what I was going to say next.

"Yeah I did, it actually sounded quite familiar" I said recalling the same thought from this morning "Charles Leclerc he said". Lilys reaction was not what I was expecting as her mouth dropped open and she stared at me in shock.

"What, did I say something wrong?" I laughed awkwardly trying to figure why she was staring at me in complete disbelief. I even turned around to look behind me I was that confused.

"Lena babes, have you search his instagram or anything" she questioned.

"No why?" I said raising my eyebrows at her in confusion to her random question.

"Search it, just search his name" she urged passing my phone to me off the table. "Come on chop chop"

"Okay Okay" I said as I picked my phone up, lighting up my face before I pressed on instagram. I typed his name in and as it loaded I then understood why Lily looked at me with that stupid face.

"Is that him, like did he look like that"

"Yes exactly like that" and before I knew it she pressed the follow button. I went to press unfollow and then left my finger hovering thinking it wouldn't be weird if he did see I followed them saw I unfollowed. So i left it not thinking anything of it. "I hate you"

"You'll love me for it I bet" she winked laughing at the randomness of all of this. "At least it's a ferrari driver, your dad would approve"

"Oh shut up he's a stranger, he won't even realise i've followed him Lils." As if it was on cue I got a notification from instagram. "Merde"

We both looked at my phone and in all honest I didn't want to open the notification in case it was him because I wouldn't know how to act to it as it all felt so random and unrealistic. To me he was just the boy I'd spoke to at the top of the hill briefly after finding out my ex cheated on me not even a whole day ago yet.

"Charles leclerc has followed you" Lily read out as she had opened my phone. I completely forgot she knew my pass word. "Erm he's messaged as well". That took me back a little as I didn't know how to respond to that. I knew that I would reply eventually because if I didn't I could feel Lily's dagger eyes on my and my phone.

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