Chapter 10

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The day had been pretty eventful as when the podium celebrations had finished we ended up staying back with Lando, Daniel and Pierre. They were arguing amongst themselves about who would be the drunkest by end of the night. Daniel and Lando eventually ended up teaming up on Pierre saying he would be the drunkest but we all knew it would be Daniel, let's be honest. The drivers all had small press conferences to attend to and interviews and Lando had convinced me and Lily to wait for them as they said we were all going back to the same hotel anyway.

"Pieeerrrrre Gaslyyyyy" Daniel shouted through the hotel lobby as me and Pierre walked in front of him Lando and Lily. Daniel did not have a volume, especially in the hotel lobby where it echoed due to the hard floors and lack of furniture as it had a modern look. Pierre had been telling me that he also lived in Monaco and couldn't believe that we'd not ran into each other before as everyone knew Monaco was a small country. It was the same as me and Charles though, we hadn't ran into each other until we randomly did that one day.

"Okay so your from Monte Carlo?" he asked and I nodded in response "That's so weird i've not seen you, I'm always there". He genuinely seemed baffled and it was funny watching him trying to figure stuff out in his head. "So you knew Charles before the weekend?" he asked. I knew he said that Charles had mentioned me before as I remember he told me Charles had called me pretty chill.

"Yes, I met him a few months ago but I never really spoke to him" I shrugged "I didn't expect to see him this weekend to be fair, I only saw him because he asked" I said not really bothered that I was sharing this with Pierre as I knew we were just having a genuine conversation.

"Oh yeah, I know he asked, he told me he did because be was with me, that's when he called you pretty.."


"Yeah pretty chill. Pretty. Chill" He sounded like he was correcting himself as he pressed the button for the elevator so that we could all go to our rooms to get ready for the rest of the night. "He's right though, I mean you are lot more chill than his girlfriend that's for sure" He laughed.


Checking my outfit in the mirror, I was too indecisive to decide whether I wanted to wear this dress or the other one that was laying on my bed. Laying on my bed was a emerald green, satin dress that had a slit where the thigh would be and as much as I loved it I felt like the dress I currently had on was more going to a club vibe. The black dress that I was currently wearing was a halter neck, with tiny black crystals on it, giving it a little bit of a glam look. It fit my body perfectly in all the right places and I kept turning around to look at it from different angles. I'd already done my makeup and hair and Lily was sat on the bed ready watching me arguing with myself.

"Okay listen listen" Lily stood up looking at me through the mirror "that dress makes you look hot and classy, the other makes you look hot and classy but more classy, classy like going out for a meal classy. Wear that one before I bum both of the dresses and you go naked." She definitely made the decision easier for me as I imagined her binning both the dress and then me jumping in after them to save the black one.

"Va te faire foutre" I said picking up my bag, which was hung on the handle of the bathroom door "who do I need to look to for anyway, except myself." Not to be up mine and Lily's arse but we were definitely a hot pair of best friends. I mean imagine how lucky our future husbands will be, if we ever get any.

"Ready?" she asked as she put her hand on the hotel room door, ready to open it. I nodded my head and we made our way through the hall way back to the lobby where we had been no less than an hour ago. "Don't you think that was the quickest we've ever got ready?" Lily laughed as I agreed. We normally took a couple of hours but Pierre had given strict orders to be ready for 9.

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