Chapter 54

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When we got back from London later on in the day, we soon had to leave each other, each of us having to attend to our responsibilities for the day. Unfortunately we ended up being apart for most of the week due to our schedules not really matching up. Whenever he was free I wasn't and whenever I was he wasn't.

My days consisted of meetings, many meetings and his was photo shoots, gym, going over plans for the next race etc. Charles' busy time sounded much more fun than mine did. Speaking of the next race, the next race was Austria and seen as it was now Thursday, Charles would be flying out this morning so that he could get there for the start of the race weekend tomorrow. I was meant to be going with him but I was currently frantically running around my house trying to find my phone, because I had put it down and had completely forgot where.

"Ma cheri, what are you doing?" Charles asked, as he walked into the living room where I was pulling my sofa apart. I was expecting him because he was picking me up to head to nice but I was expecting him half an hour later than this.

"I have lost my phone, I don't know where it is," I answered, sighing at the end as I realised my phone was not in or under the sofa, where it would usually be hiding.

"That's why you weren't picking up your phone," he laughed, "isn't it there?"


He made his way over to me and put his arm behind me, moving it towards my lower back. He kept moving his hand down until it was at my back pocket and there he had it in his hand, my phone. I don't know why I'd not felt it in my pocket but I had genuinely believed I'd put it down when repacking my suitcase.

"Stressing for no reason, Lena."

"Thanks," I laughed, feeling a little embarrassed and stupid.

He placed the phone back into my pocket however his hand had also ended up in my pocket as he pulled me closer. His other hand went to the same place as it always did, straight to my right cheek.

"You look as beautiful as ever and I've missed you" he said as he stroked my cheek with his thumb. I felt like melting on the floor.

"It's only been a few days Charles," I laughed, but he frowned. "I missed you too don't worry."

He gently pulled my face to his, his lips pressing onto mine. His hand didn't move from my face but the other moved to snake around my hip allowing him to pull me even closer, it wasn't like we weren't close enough or anything. I could tell he was getting carried away when I felt something on my leg, I don't think I need to explain what that was. Unfortunately for him, we needed to be getting to Austria so this would have to wait. To his dismay, I pushed him away.

"So not fair Lena," He said, attempting to give me some sort of puppy dog eyes.

"We have a flight to catch so I think you need to cool off," I laughed a little, as I pointed in the direction of his lower half.

"So not funny," Charles said in response as he turned so that he was no longer facing me, but he too couldn't hold in a small laugh as I'm guessing he felt slight embarrassment now.

Eventually we did gather my stuff together and make our way outside to his car but as we did that, there were photographers and fans outside my house. They'd never been around here before so it was quite strange to see but they were obviously here for Charles and I didn't know how to feel about it.

Personally, I believe there are limits to where fans should be following the people they support and I feel like my house is one of those places where Charles' fans shouldn't be congregating. I always say I love the love that his fans have for him but this literally is way too close to home for me.

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