Chapter 48

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*Charles POV*

"Have you ever kissed her?"

Alena had asked me that question about Isabella the night that I had taken her back to my house after she had been out with the girls and it had turned into a mess. My answer to that was 'no' and of course she believed me but I felt so bad seeing her relax after I had answered the question because my answer was far from the truth.

None of it meant anything to me but I had kissed Isabella, quite a few times actually. It was one thing I had forgotten to tell Alena about when I came back from Australia and because I hadn't told her about it then, I didn't feel like there would be a right time to tell her about it. Maybe that night was where I should've said yes and told her what had gone off but I wasn't prepared to take the chance of her being mad or upset with me about it.

As I said, none of it meant anything to me but after Alena had left Australia after our little blow up in the kitchen, my head was all over the place. When I was told she left after qualifying I was mad at myself because I felt I had hurt her and I didn't like the thought of knowing I hurt someone I cared about. After the race on the Sunday, I did celebrate a little but the celebration turned into making stupid decisions.

Isabella was there that weekend as she had gone with Kelly to watch Max but she was not staying with us in Daniels house, she was in a hotel that was close to the track. She had joined us after the race night and I would be lying if I said I was the one that went over to her first. In my defence, she was all over me that night and the more alcohol I drank, the less I cared. The less I cared about her being all over me and the more I let it happen.

I remember Pierre coming over and telling me not to make a mistake when Isabella had gone to get us some more drinks. I also remember Lily dead eyeing me from across the room and I'm pretty sure Lando was shooting me a similar look but I ignored all three of them. After I had been mad at myself for the past two days, I just wanted a little bit of fun and it was being handed to me on a plate by Isabella. The biggest problem of all was we got left alone and that's where things became slightly more physical.

She had her fingers running through my hair and one of her hands moving up and down my leg as we sat in the dark corner of the room, out of sight from everyone else. She got closer to my face first and I decided to go with it because there was no one there to stop me and I wasn't bothered about stopping myself. Thats where we kissed, for a particularly long time. I wouldn't call the kiss passionate, I wouldn't call it loving and I didn't really care about whether she liked the kiss or not, it was just a bit of fun for the night.

No one saw the kiss, which is why it hadn't been brought up to Alena before by Lily or any of the boys. The only people that knew about the kiss was me and Isabella and the only people that knew about the rest of that night was me and her as well. If people put the dots together, I didn't stay at Daniels that night, I stayed in her hotel room and there were many more kisses exchanged between us. Thankfully, nothing else happened past the kisses but we did stay in the bed together and it was wrong that I'd even got to that point with her, knowing full well that not long ago before that I was in bed with Alena and we'd had our first kiss on the boat at the start of the week.

There was no way I was admitting to any of that as of right now, I just wanted to keep Alena happy.

That whole night was forgotten about as a few weeks had now passed. The Canadian GP had come and gone; I managed to get pole position again meaning there were celebrations for Ferrari, especially since Carlos had come second as well. We had stayed in Canada for a few days afterwards so that I could make sure we could do everything Alena wanted to do. I took her to a lake that wasn't far from where we had been staying so that we could go skating and I have to say, I am glad I'm a driver and not a skater because I fell over more times than enough. By the end of that day I think Alena had laughed so much that the smile was stuck on her face for the rest of the day.

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