Chapter 73

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Here I am again, for a second season watching Charles at his home race. I saw his like Monaco isn't my home as well but it's his race.

"Please don't fuck it up" I say, watching the screen that's showing Charles taking the final turns of the circuit. I've not been this nervous for a while. Two wins in Monaco, two years in a row after never being able to win it would be amazing.

"JUST DRIVE" I find myself shouting, making a few of the engineers jump as I forget i'm in the garage.

The checkered flag waves side to side as car 16 passes. Thank fuck for that. I feel like crying for him after knowing how nervous he was this morning. All he kept telling me was 'I won't win today, not after I won last year'. Well Charlie boy you were wrong. I can't wait to tell him he was wrong.

I want to run to the podium but instead I keep myself together and walk like everyone else, the majority of everyone else should I say.

Not long after I reached the podium, he was standing on it. He had a huge smile on his face as he lifted the trophy, followed by shaking the champagne afterwards. All over everyone, including me.

I was so proud of him.


"Keep your eyes closed," Charles said as he covered my eyes with his hands to make sure I wasn't peeking.

For some reason Charles had decided instead of going out to celebrate, he wanted to take a walk up the hill near my old house. I say my old house because not long ago we decided that we were together that much anyway that it was just easier for me to move in with him. We decided, he asked, same thing.

"Why are you covering my eyes, I know what the view up here is like Charles," I laugh as I almost trip over a stone.

"It's a surprise Lena."


After some more walking, I can tell we've reached the top because Charles stops covering my eyes. Not before telling me to keep my eyes shut though.

"Can I open them yet?"

"Wait, wait, wait." He quickly answers my question, in a panicky tone.

I started to get nerves in my stomach hearing his voice. He wasn't next to me anymore, I couldn't feel his presence at all. The nerves weren't bad though, in fact they were butterflies. The butterflies I got from Charles were always my favourite type.

"Okay ma cheríe, you can open your eyes now."

As I opened my eyes, I didn't see Charles standing in front of me. He was kneeling, on one knee only.

"Don't play with me," I already feel my eyes tearing up and my heart starting to beat 100mph.

"Alena Pavelli, I love you more than words can explain, I'd never play with you. Since I met you, I've felt the joy I had as a little boy when I drove around in Karts with my father and Jules watching. I fell for Formula 1 first, but I've fell for you even harder."

Yep, a tear definitely just left my eye.

"Alena Pavelli, will you marry me?"

I stood there for a moment, just taking in everything. There were candles lit around us both, petals on the floor, Monaco lit up behind us. It was so silent I could hear my own heartbeat. He held a ring in his hand, and his green eyes just looked up at me awaiting an answer.

"Alena please answer you're making me nervous."

"I'll marry you Charles, of course I'll marry you."

Slipping the ring onto my finger, he stood up and pulled me in to him, hugging me so tightly that he was probably cutting off my circulation.

"I love you so much, I will always love you," He said, before pulling me into a kiss. Short but sweet.

"I love you too."

"You're an Angel, you really are. I'm so lucky to have you."

He cupped my face in his hands, making sure he had eye contact before opening his mouth to speak once more.

"An absolute Angel."

Authors note

Angel 10/11/22 - 2/04-24
ʚ ɞ

Thank you for reading this story, I fell out of love with writing a while back and with work I haven't had the time to get back into it.

I wanted to give some type of conclusion to Alena and Charles and I know this isn't much but I plan to make some extras to this story once I have the time. That will include wedding/possibly children/the future of the Characters.

However for now, thank you again for reading this story, I remember writing the first chapter and I never thought it would end up going on for 73 Chapters.

Bye for now <3

~ Mel x

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