Chapter 71

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"You opened the bag. Did you read the note?" Charles asked before I could say anything.

"Charles I'm here to see if you're oka-"

"Did you read the note Alena?"

"No I opened the bag as we got here, there was no time for the note but that's not the point. Are you okay Charles? I was so worried."

I waited for an answer and whilst he thought, I was trying to find that answer in his eyes. He looked disappointed. Actually he had the same expression as when I left him at my house in Monaco.


"Alena, I explained everything in the note and I need to explain now if you haven't read it." He said, ignoring the fact I'd asked if he was okay.

"Charles, I'm here about your crash not about us, please just tell me you're okay and everything else we can deal with in time."

"We don't have time though, this is time we have now together and I've been waiting to explain but you never gave me chance, which I understand. I don't like the time away from you so I want to deal with it now so no more time is wasted away from you again."

I didn't know what to say to him right now because he was pleading to explain. I didn't know whether I wanted him to explain because even if he did explain my mind probably wouldn't change about him. Cheating you can't come back from and I didn't want to hurt him by letting him explain to just tell him we will still be apart.

"Please Lena," he was practically begging now.

"I can't promise you anything will change though Charles, it's not fair to let you explain. I also don't need an explanation for cheating, you cheated."

Everything I was saying was right and he knew it too. There's no explanation for cheating, you don't cheat on someone you love, especially after they meet your family. It's so low.

I was close to getting up and walking out because feelings started to rush back, the sad feelings. However, I came here for him to make sure he was okay and as I saw the hurt in his eyes, I saw that he wasn't okay.

Maybe the time was right and maybe it was wrong. There'll never be an explanation for cheating in my eyes but maybe I had to hear one for his peace of mind. Maybe it was just time to hear this explanation.

"Go ahead but please tell the truth."

He sat up a bit more before starting and I could see his body tense up slightly. Him being tense made me feel a little more tense but I imagined this was going to be an uncomfortable conversation.

"To start with, I don't believe I cheated. Things got close but nothing ever happened. In my eyes I didn't cheat but you may see it differently and that will be understandable."

"In Australia, me and Isabella did kiss. I'm sorry I lied and said we never did, I didn't want you thinking there was anything there. It was after you left after our argument and I'm so sorry for that. I was drunk and stupid there but it was wrong and that was the closest thing I felt there was to cheating."

"There were a few times that Isabella came onto me and I don't mean kissing or anything, I mean when I was drunk a few times she tried making things into something they weren't. Remember in London? You were mad at me because of photos of Kelly's instagram. She put herself that close at the last minute in each photo."

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