Chapter 52

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The next day in London was quite tiring as we spent the whole day walking around, visiting different places and buildings that were popular in the city. Charles and Lando basically turned me and Lily into tourists and they started by taking us to see Buckingham palace and ended by taking us to the shard for dinner. The shard had a beautiful view over London, especially since it had been night when we went and everything was lit up. That's one thing I found pretty about London, it lit up loads at night.

Our day all together did come to an end though as Charles and Lando were informed of a club appearance they were expected at tonight, whilst they were here in London. They got told this when we were walking back to the hotel and were instructed to be ready for 8. It was already 7 at that point, which meant they weren't being given a large amount of time, and we had to rush back. By the time we got back to the hotel, our feet were killing. I say our, the boys weren't that bothered but not to be dramatic, me and Lily felt like our feet were ready to drop off.

We could've joined the two of them but as I said, the day was tiring so being in a club until god knows what time sounded the opposite of fun. As we weren't going with them, it gave me and Lily some much needed girl time, which we had been meaning to have for a while now. To start with, we were going to sit in the hotel bar, where we could have a few drinks and some girl gossip, but once we actually got down there, it was pretty full. We didn't expect it to be as busy as it was but we soon found the reason when we saw a sign, which noted the bar was public to everyone, not just the people staying within the hotel. So, instead we decided to buy some wine from the bar and take it upstairs with us, easily solving the situation.

"So you're telling me you are now together, together?" Lily asked and as I nodded my head she let out a little squeal before she then followed it up with another question. "But the Isabella thing, she basically said they kissed?"

"Yeah, but he said they didn't," I said, then explaining more to her about what happened in the club. "So that's why I wasn't answering her questions the other day, because she is trying to know my business."

"You should've told me sooner, I'd of had your back one hundred percent. You didn't need to get Lewis to save you," She laughed, "but I hope he is telling the truth and hasn't kissed her because then he'd have to deal with me too."

"I'm sure you won't have to deal with him," I smiled while I took a sip from the glass of wine I had in my hand, "he's got his act together since Australia."

When I mentioned Australia, her face changed and it was like a light bulb went off in her head. I was expecting her to tell me something but then she just went back to normal, which was weird. She looked like she was thinking hard about something, a bit like when you're putting pieces of a puzzle together, but it was probably the wine hitting her since she was drinking it like water. In fact, she'd been drinking it that quick that the bottle had almost gone, which meant we were going to have to go and get another one.

It was quarter past twelve before we knew it and when we'd gone to get the second bottle of wine earlier, we'd ended up staying down here as there were now tables free. We'd spent the past two hours going over some more Isabella details, her telling me about her and Lando and how they were on about moving in together and then also Emilio. The Emilio conversation consisted of her telling me how he was doing because he'd still not spoken to me since storming out of my house. I did miss speaking to him but I just wanted an apology before I gave any of my time to him again. At the end of the day, you can't be mad at someone just because they didn't do what you wanted them to do. He couldn't be mad at me because I didn't want to go to Barcelona and he wanted me to. Friendships don't work like that.

"Deep in thought?" Lily asked and I didn't even notice that I'd been staring at the clock in the room for a good ten minutes.


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