Chapter 11

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I wish I hadn't agreed to participate in Daniel's drinking game as I'd woken up with pounding in my forehead. I didn't know whether to blame the tequila or the vodka for the way my throat felt. Seen as Daniel was mixing them both in the shots he kept giving us I was going to blame both of them.

Last night was a blur, as it usually is when you've drank that much but it was a good blur. I knew i'd enjoyed myself so much that I couldn't remember it as there were so many moment in the night where I was nearly on the floor laughing at the actions of some of the people in the group. It was also nice to have some more female company as well as Lily as we got to spend more time with Isa and Kelly, who were both on the same wavelength of drunk as us. Of course Lauren was there as well but she just latched on to Charles for most of the night and in all honesty I was glad because it meant less hassle for me.

She had spoke to me last night at some point in the night but all she spoke about was herself and instead of it being a conversation it was more of her talking and me standing still not being able to get a second to respond. I obviously acknowledged she was there but I'd tried to find other things to focus on so that I could ignore the nonsense that was being blurted out beside me.

I sat up and picked up my phone to see I had received a few messages. Lily had sent a message telling me she had stopped in Landos hotel room, which didn't surprise me as they were all over each other last night, nobody could pull them apart. She also added to be ready for 2 as a few of us were going for breakfast/dinner before we were due to head home later tonight.

Also on my notifications, Charles had sent a few messages, some last night and one this morning. One read I can't believe I had to carry you out the club followed by you, pierre and daniel are nightmares, then followed by his message this morning are you well? has the drink hit you yet? Yes it had. But rewinding back to the first message I didn't even remember being carried out the club, in fact I didn't remember leaving in the first place.

I was going to reply but then I heard a knock at my door, which distracted me as I threw my head back onto my pillow. Hoping that it was just the cleaner and they'd assume I was still asleep, I pulled the cover up to my chin in order to stay warm as for some reason it was currently quite cold in the room. I heard the knock again and whoever it was was going to have to give me a big apology for making me get out of bed right now.

I opened the door to some familiar green eyes and he looked fresh as a daisy as he walked past me, entering the room. I would've much preferred him to at least give me a warning saying that he was coming as I looked like i'd just been dragged through a bush right now. He looked at me and I could tell he was holding in a laugh as his shoulders moved up and down. "Don't laugh at me looking awful, that's just mean" I said rolling my eyes before picking up my shoes, that were at opposite ends of the room, and putting them to one side "I was just about to reply to your message"

"You were? I'm surprised you weren't going to ignore me" he said as he sat down on the end of the bed "how are you feeling?". Could he not tell how I was feeling by how I looked? I respond verbally and just used my hands to gesture to my face. "Have you not had any water or tablets or anything?" he asked and I shook my head. Seen as though I had only just woken up I didn't really have the time to do those things before he had decided to come and pay me a visit.

I went into the bathroom, whilst he fiddled around with something on the little table underneath the television, so that I could freshen up and look more presentable to go out for food. As I was brushing my teeth, I could still hear him clattering about with something, he wasn't quiet at all.

"What are you doing" I asked as I went back into the room where he was. He walked over to me with a cup of tea and some paracetamol in his hands. It was thoughtful because I had no energy to make myself a cup of tea and he did it for me without me having to ask. However he was here but I was sure that he had a girlfriend to be with right now "where's Lauren?" I questioned.

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