11. Trust

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I calmly walked away from Vegas although I feel like a cat on hot bricks. I can clearly see that they are suspicious of me by the way they were looking at me. Both Khun Gun and Vegas. I do not know what he might have known, but the way he looked at me makes me feel restless. He might have thought that I knew too much based on the recent incident when in fact, I only knew parts of them.

The only possibility that I can think of is that Vegas must have told his father about his suspicions about me. This 'Vegas' craved for his father's acknowledgement and he would do anything to gain it. I almost forgot about how manipulative he is. Him being nice to me is too good to be truth. There must have been some motives behind it.

How could I dare to have even the slightest thought that he might care and that was why he was being nice to me. Especially when the one that he was attracted to since the beginning from the other life was Porsche. I was too careless. How can trust him blindly just because the 'Vegas' from the other world told me that he needed me and loved me?

Before going back to Khun Noo's place, I went to my bedroom. I don't know why, but I had a bad feeling about something and I just wanted to check on something. I searched for the notebook in which I wrote down all of the information and my theory about what was happening in this family. I need to protect it at all cost. I need to make sure no one can find out about it.

Why? Because if it is found by others, I'll definitely be labelled as a traitor. How can I knew too much about these events that hasn't even happened yet. I should have been more careful before decided to write down all these information. It was never good to know too much. These can be a strong evidence against me and I couldn't even explain where did all of these information came from.

Aside from that, the information in this may triggered the war between main and minor family. This will only speed up Vegas' death. For now, the only person who might have seen the notebook besides Porsche was probably Vegas. It was during my staked out night. I am pretty sure he saw it back then. He do not know the contents, but I must be careful.

I admitted that I was too careless by going around bringing what can be used to against me. Although I am just a bodyguard, I should still keep my guard up.  When my palm touched the notebook's cover and once my eyes saw it, I let out a sigh, feeling relief. Thank goodness, it is still here.

"Pete." Vegas appeared out of the blue at the room's door that was wide opened. I walked towards the door, trying to close it. I don't want to see him. I don't want to hear anything from him. I'm not ready to face him. I don't want him to come near me.

I pushed the door to shut it closed, but Vegas was faster and stronger. He held the door using his body's weight and strength, keeping it from closing.

"Damn it, Vegas!" I cursed as he pushed the door wide opened causing me to almost losing my balance. I walked into the room to keep my distance away l from him while finding a way to get him out of here.

I couldn't think straight. My action just now only end up being an advantage for him. Instead of finding an opportunity to get him out, I trapped myself in.

He followed me in and grabbed my wrist so that I won't be able to go anywhere. That couldn't stop me from trying to escape. However, the more I struggle, his grip on my wrist become tighter that it started to get hurt. Vegas pulled and dragged me towards my bed. He pushed me and pinned me down on my bed so that I couldn't escape.

The old memories come back only to worsen my feelings.

'Vegas what are you doing? Just kill me, you bastard!'

'You wanted to die so much? You will, but first... you will have to suffer.'

The conversation from two familiar voices can be heard in my head, bringing back the trauma.

"Please stop..." I begged as my tears started to drip. I stopped fighting back. I can feel Vegas slowly loosen his grip off my wrist.

"Pete... I'm sorry. I just want to talk." Vegas said to me with a soft tone. "You need to tell me everything." He continued.

"I can't trust you." I said while sobbing. I hide my crying eyes from him using the back of my hands.

He let out of a sigh and move away from my body. He walked and sat down at the other side of my bed, turning his back from me. I raised my body to sit as well. We sat like that for the whole ten minutes in silence.

"Have you calmed down?" Vegas broke the silence. I nodded once, although I didn't know whether he is looking at me or not.

"Is it hurt?" He probably noticed that I keep on rubbing my left wrist which he had been grasping earlier.

"No." I looked at my wrist and stop rubbing it. It is still red, but I don't think there will be any injury or bruise on it.

"Why can't you trust me? What have I ever did to you? Have I done something wrong?" He asked me with pleading tone, begging for answers.

"What did you tell to Khun Gun?" I asked with a straightforward tone. He looked at me, looking confuse and nervous. He is shocked with my accusation.

"Nothing. I swear. I wouldn't do anything that will put you at risk. That is why I told you not to get involve in that mission." Vegas said with affirmation. He turned his body to face me.

"What did you mean by me being at risk? Why shouldn't I get involve in that mission?" I asked, turning my body to face him. I mean... I will always be at risk as long as I am in this line of work and whatever mission I've been given, I'll have to do it. I have no right to give excuses for avoiding the mission I've been given.

"About the mission the other day, I... kind of ruining the relationship between Don and Minor's family. I was just trying to make sure you are safe." He looked at me with assurance.

What does he mean by making sure that I am safe? I blushed a little after hearing his words. What is he playing? He moved a bit closer to me while I distance myself, keeping the same space between us as before.

We are now facing each other although I am still being strict on keeping our distance from each other. Vegas seems to understand that, so he stays at where he is now.

"I'm afraid my father suspected there is something going on between us. My father always messed up with the people around me."

"What do you mean? There is nothing between us." I reminded him.

Vegas let out a heavy sigh before saying, "I want you to know that I will not do anything that will harm you in any ways." He waited for few seconds before asking me, "Will you trust me?".

I looked away from him. Thinking hard. I am still not sure if I can just trust him. I kept on thinking what made Vegas acting like this towards me. What changed?


So sorry.

I know...
Their story is developing quite slow, right?

I'm trying to draft the story as many as I can so that the longest you guys have to wait for new chapter is only a week.

Until then... have fun reading!

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