storming (stepbrother) - bratty-lxndry44

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She's completely clueless to the way he looks at her curved form when she bends over, or the way some of her panties mysteriously disappear from the laundry. Doesn't even notice the way his hand disappears into his pants whenever her back is turned to him when they're alone.

One night she sneaks into his room and wakes him up with apologies spilling past her soft lips. It's storming.

"'M sorry. I just- I'm scared, Rafe."

And when it sinks in that she's scared of the storms, Rafe is quick to guide her into his arms and wipe away her tears with gentle fingers.

"Oh, sweetheart," he coos. "Baby, it's just a storm. It's not supposed to get bad."


"I promise."

And he cages her in with his big arms, let's her fall asleep against his chest.

If either of their parents notice, they don't say anything the next morning.

It becomes a routine, after that, for her to sleep in Rafe's bed. It's better in there, she thinks, softer, and warmer, and.. Rafe is there. Anything is good if Rafe is there.

Because with Rafe, she feels safe. No matter what, he'll always be there to protect her from the things that scare her the most.

She slips in beside him quietly, on this particular night. Rain softly patters against the window. Not enough to scare her, but she misses Rafe's warmth. He has no shirt on when she moves next to him, just a pair of gray boxers. She softly brings her head to rest on his shoulder as she slides under his comforter. He groans, sleepily, and then his eyes peel open as he looks at her with a crooked smile.

"Hi, sweet girl."

"Did I wake you up?"

"You did," he laughs, moving a piece of her hair out of her face. "But I don't mind. C'mere."

He brings her closer to him, her hands moving to rest on his bare torso.

"You're practically freezing, baby," Rafe coos, as he rubs his hands up and down her shoulders. "Why didn't you come to me sooner?"

"Didn't wanna bother you.."

"You could never bother me." Rafe replies. He caresses her hip with a soft, gentle stroke. "But why don't you give me a kiss, hm? To make it up to me."

The suggestion has her face setting ablaze. Of course, Rafe is incredibly handsome. She's always thought so. His offer makes her have a nervous fluttery feeling in your tummy. But she wants to be good for him, so she lifts herself up and land a soft peck on his lips. He smiles, happy, and rubs his thumb over her bottom lip.

"Why don't you do it one more time, sweetness? You know, for luck."

She grins, a giggle leaving her lips. And then she's shyly kissing him again.

This time it's different. His mouth stays on hers longer, and he gently guides the back of her head to accompany the turning of his own. He moves against her, slow and messy, as her eyes flutter shut and she begins to sloppily leave spit against his plump lips. She moans, hands threading into the boy's hair with a neediness she didn't know she had. Soon his tongue is joining the mix, soft and wet in the open canal of her mouth. When she finally pulls away, it's because Rafe grasps her hair and pulls her away from him. She looks at him with longing, and his other hand goes down to grope her ass. She gasps, a small whine leaving her throat.

"Rafe.. mom and dad-"

"Don't have to know," he finishes. He gently grabs her thigh and throws it over his waist so she's straddling him. She nervously look down at him. "I won't tell, I promise. Just let me have you tonight." He looks up at her, pleadingly.

"Please, angel?

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