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(6 months Later)


I shifted gently on the couch as Nalini came walking towards me. We were at her mother's place for a visit. She smiled at me shortly, she wore her nightgown which barely covered her thighs. I eyed her legs and then I felt her lips being pressed against mine. She finally sat down right beside me, leaning against my shoulders. "Are you not done reading yet?" She asked.

"Are you sure you locked the door to this room, cause we might..." she smacked my chest.
"Shut up Kabir. Get your head out of the gutter, we're here so that you can read peacefully, nothing is going to happen, NOT HERE." She exclaimed.
I smiled gently before I continued reading. She pressed her forehead against my shoulder and shut her eyes.

I sighed and put an arm around her. Just then I heard footsteps, especially rushed steps that neared the door. I frowned. One were slower, other were faster than light. I sighed as I looked up at the door. Akshita barged in and was about to hide when Abhishek came after her. I felt Nalini's hand clutching my T-shirt as if she was surprised.

I raised a brow. Before I knew Akshita was against the wall. Abhishek was so close to her. I pressed my lips together holding myself from saying anything. Nalini put a hand on my mouth, afraid I'd say anything. They clearly didn't notice the audience until Abhishek leaned closer and Akshita turned her face away. It was better they didn't kiss.

I smiled at her. I saw heat rising up her face as she pushed her face in the crane of Abhishek's neck. I cleared my throat and he turned his head towards me. "I didn't know we had an audience, I am sorry." He said. He sounded so pissed and cold. His eyes turned to Nalini and they softened.

"What are you guys doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" He asked while his hand held Akshita's head close to his chest. That was a beautiful sight to watch.
"What are you doing here? Why the study room? Continue your stuff in your own room." Nalini said.

Abhishek sighed and clicked his tongue. "Good night." He grabbed Akshita's hand and dragged her out with him. I passed a look to Nalini. She had her lips pursed, suppressing a smile that was starting to form.
"That was intense." She said. I nodded. "They are finally falling. But let me read my book, so that I can take you to bed early." I said and she just smiled.
(Next morning)
I looked over my head towards Nalini. She was carrying the little baby in her hands as she smiled at her. I couldn't help but feel my heart racing at the thought of her carrying our baby. I eyed her as she looked over at Yuvraj. "She is just like you." She said. Yuvraj smiled.
"I know." He smiled back at her. I saw Natasha who was napping on the couch. We've all moved on in such a way, I wouldn't want anything to be any other way. Natasha was a mom of three, and I was an uncle. Our relationship had changed but the care would never.

"Take Natasha to the guest room, I will put the baby to sleep." Said Nalini. I turned my eyes to her again. She looked so plain, so bare, so beautiful.
She gently lifted the baby and leaned her against her own shoulder. Yuvraj carried Natasha to the guest room while we were left alone again.
Nalini hummed something as she smiled. "Our anniversary is close."

"It is." I walked over to her, eyeing Yuvraj's daughter. "Maybe it's time we start a family, an actual family." I suggested and noticed her smile dissolving into surprise.
"Really?" She asked.
"If you're ready, I am." I said. She averted her eyes from mine. She still did this. Whenever she was flustered, she took her eyes away from mine. Her boldness melted.

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