Chapter 67: I Like Men With An Over Inflated Ego Like You!

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A week had passed very quickly and true to her words, Rosè had quickly become serious with her studies. For Lalisa who had been wanting a way to test how much she had gained in their time of working together, she was glad when their calculus teacher had given out an impromptu test right after class today.

"How was it?" she asked her after class as both of them walked towards the school gate.

"I don't think I did it well. We haven't covered some of the topics but it was definitely better than what I would have gotten before." Rosè confessed and Lalisa nodded in understanding. She had also not been expecting that she would be able to get it all right in one week.

When they got outside, Lalisa paused as she looked at the spot where Rosè's driver usually parked was empty. She looked at her in confusion.

"Your driver isn't here yet?" Lalisa asked with crinkled brows and Rosè burst into laughter as she saw her really confused expression.

"You can't really have forgotten right?" she asked and when she saw that Lalisa truly had no inclination for what she had said, she shook her head.

"Yue'er, you promised that we were going to study at your place today."

"I did?" Lalisa asked as her mind went back to when she had truly said that.

"I already asked my driver to go back earlier this morning and only come to pick me up from school tomorrow afternoon." she said using the opportunity to let Lalisa know of her plans to sleep over.


Lalisa ran her hands through her hair helplessly. Rosè sleeping over wasn't a problem. However, she had made plans to go and look for a certain boy that had been entirely absent from school the entire week. Even though she had given him her contact, he hadn't sent a message or called her this whole time.

She was also worried that her beating up those men would have resulted in some backlash for him and so, she had made the little loli find the information on him like his address and where he worked. All the information had been compiled and sent to her phone and she was planning to stop by someplace to change and then go look for him.

Looking at Rosè's eyes that were brimming with the excitement of visiting her place, she sighed and then came to a decision.

"Okay, let's go." she said and then moved in the direction of the bus station.

"How do you go home?" Rosè asked curiously as she just followed Lalisa without a word.

"Bus station."

Very quickly the both of them got down in the area that Song Qian lived in. For Rosè, who had no idea that it was Song Qian they were here for, she felt a burst of pity at seeing where Lalisa lived. Even though she had moved from the area that Yerim had taken them to, Rosè had thought that she had moved to some place that was better and was not expecting that they had moved to an even more degrading place.

"Yue'er, is it safe to stay here? You didn't have to insist on coaching me for free." she murmured the last part as she was afraid that Lalisa would think that she was planning to give her some pity money.

"It's fine, just be careful as it can be quite dangerous in areas like this." Lalisa said as she grabbed her hand. Back in her area, even with her outstanding beauty, most of them knew that they had more money than even Lalisa and her mother while they also didn't harm her because many times when they had injuries they couldn't take to the hospital because of the gun ban in china, they would resort to Xia to treat them. But in a place that no one knew her like here, the both of them had an appearance that already had people having wild thoughts.

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