Chapter 75: President Jeon

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A few weeks had passed and very quickly, there was only about two weeks left for their final examinations. However, unlike normal classes, the senior classes would take an examination with everyone all over the country, since it was needed for university grading, the questions being the same was also very important.

And so the whole senior class was usually like a graveyard day and even during their study sessions. For people like Lalisa and Jimin, the both of them kept to their normal routine. The only thing was, Lalisa had splitted the subjects they had to do into two and made Jimin teach Rosè half so that she had more time.

"I would send my answers to you in our study group." Rosè said as she waved Lalisa goodbye. Unlike today, Lalisa was in a rush and so she nodded in agreement and left the classroom.

After a month of deliberation, the Anxi association had finally agreed to work with her terms. She was more than certain that they must have tried to trace her but found it impossible. The thought that she might be blocking all their sources with some technology was all they needed to give in.

Like before, she entered a male boutique and shopped for outfits to wear to their meeting which was in less than an hour at one of their branches.

After changing and making use of the wig she had kept in her bag earlier, she left for the meeting by leaving through a store's window. Now that she knew that there was someone following her which she suspected to be Jungkook because of how he had known she was at the Black Rose Organisation, she didn't want to risk coming out of the store and then going to the branch with him on her tail.

Just like she had thought, after an hour, when Lalisa was just entering the Anxi association building, Lu San realised that something was wrong, he had clearly seen her enter the boutique and yet, she hadn't come out in an hour.

He shrugged and kept on looking around more carefully as he guessed that maybe she wanted to do a large scale shopping.

"Mister Su." Sanha greeted with a warm smile and extended his hand for a polite handshake. If this young boy had piqued his curiosity for the last three weeks, now, all he had was respect. After all, had worked side by side to find out information on the boy so they could have a bargaining chip, but it had seemed like they were searching for a ghost the whole time.


"Mr Lu. have you been well?" Lalisa asked, changing her voice entirely. Although she didn't sound masculine, she also didn't sound like a girl and was somewhere between a boy that was just about to hit puberty.

"This way please, the entire team is already set up and waiting for you." he said politely and Lalisa allowed him to lead the way as they went to the elevator.

The branch was not somewhere where a lot of things happened, after all, it was an A city branch, so the entire office wasn't large and they were soon in the small hallroom in a few minutes.

Lalisa looked away guiltily as soon as she saw Jungkook seated in the head seat. She had searched him up and there was barely enough information to hold on to, now that she saw him sitting up there and how everyone in the boardroom looked at him before anything made her genuinely surprised.

If the people Sun family had treated him this way because he was from the capital, some of the other people in the room were also from the capital and would not bat an eye at him if he was not from the main branch of the Jeonfamily. As her mind ran through multiple thoughts to process these thoughts, she didn't realise that everyone was looking at her weirdly when she didn't reply to a question that she was asked.

"Mr Su?" Sanha called out again, this time, a little louder this time and sighed softly when Lalisa looked in his direction. "Sorry, I was surprised to see him here." she blurted and everyone in the room chuckled. As soon as she realised what she had said, Lalisa wanted to curse out at him!

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