Chapter 3

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(Already in house number 5)

- Colin. Asking for Penelope's hand in these circumstances is the worst idea as it occurred to you- Violet scolded her son -Surely you weren't thinking. Lady Featherington was so angry that she forbade Penelope to come down to recieve our apology, and the best thing you can think of is to ask for her hand!

-You don't even want to get married, much less to Miss Penelope, as you made it very clear last night- Anthony continued.

-Now, what do I do?- Colin finally said, defeated.

-Now, you must apologize directly to Penelope, but it will be impossible without her mother's permission. I'll have to ask one of the servants to keep an eye on who comes and goes from Featherington's House, and as soon as Penelope sees the sunlight, they'll let you know first, so get ready.

Colin grumbled. He wanted to go on a trip as soon as possible, but it was clear that it wouldn't happen until he apologized.

-I don't see what the problem is. Maybe that's the attention that Penelope likes- Eloise said with disgust.-Eloise! -Anthony and Violet scolded at the same time.

-What are those words for your closest friend?- Violet added.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Eloise, waiting for her response.

-That lady is no longer my friend. in fact, she never was. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go somewhere else to finish my book, because it's clear that I won't be able to here.

-What a night Penelope had. Her closest friends pushed her away. I am beginning to believe what Lady Featherington said maybe she did send her on a trip, but we have to make sure. So no trips for you, sir- Violet pointed to Colin.

-In other news- Anthony interrupted - I want to announce that Miss Kate and I got engaged last night.

-Oh, son, that's wonderful. Are you going to ask for special permission? - Violet asked.

-Our family is famous for asking for special permissions- Benedict mocked.

-Yes, I think it's the best, given the circumstances- He glanced at his mother, who understood what he meant.

-This Saturday will be, go run to the priest to ask for permission, ask Simon to join you. I will now meet Lady Danbury and Mrs Sharma, to take care of everything. In the meantime, don't travel - he pointed again to Colin, who felt like a child - and your Benedict, keep an eye on your brother, please.

- I failed you yesterday, Mother, but today I will be on him like a hawk - Benedict mocked.


Nobody were at house number 5. except Benedict and Colin. They were in Benedict's room while he is painting a picture of a woman dressed in silver. Colin couldn't care less about his Brushstrokes because his head was going to Penelope. He was scared of the concept in which she could have him. She hated him? Because of him, everyone in London now believed her to be a spinster, and she had only been in society for two years.

His brother called him for the third time

-Colin, do you hear me?

- What did you say? -Colin responded,

-are you sure you don't feel anything for Penelope?

-Well, of course I feel something. She's my best friend. I have her in great esteem.

-no, Colin, I mean, as a woman - Benedict said more slowly.

-As a woman? No, of course not. I only see her as a friend.

-Are you sure? So why did you ask Lady Featherington for her hand?

- Why...

He didn't even know

-...I said it without thinking - Colin continued- I only heard that Lady Featherington had sent her away to marry a stranger who doesn't even know her, and the next thing I knew, I was asking permission to marry her.

-I don't understand, Lady Featherington committed Penelope to a foreigner?" Benedict said, confused.

-No! -Colin shouted. She sent her with her aunt and said she would be responsible for finding her a husband.

-I understand - nodded- If Being Blind Makes You Happy - Benedict whisper

Colin wanted to finish that conversation because the more he thought about it, the more confused he felt. Benedict's questions didn't help either.

-Who are you painting? He asked his brother.

-A dream- smiling, looking at his painting- Last night, after coming home from the dance, I had this most incredible dream. I saw a woman dressed in silver from head to toe.

-Covered in paint?- Colin mocked.

-Don't be stupid, with a cloth. I couldn't see his face, or I don't remember it. But it took take my breath away.

- maybe you see her soon

-How is that? - Benedict asked

- Six months from now is our mother's birthday costume party.

- It's true - Benedict said happily.

Colin took advantage of his brother's daydream to go to his room. He ordered desserts and lemonade since he had'n breakfast yet. When they brought it, he couldn't eat it. What would he do if he could never apologize to Pen if her husband didn't bring her home again, and if the husband turned out to be an evil man and mistreated her, her tender little Pen. There would be no way to find out anything. If Pen marries one day, He won't even notice. Colin thought.

After all, Colin was not a relative, so the Featherington's had no obligation to invite him, and his sister Eloise won't be any help either. He had promised to take care of Pen, and not 24 hours had passed, and he was already failing abysmally.

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