Chapter 15

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Somewhere in London there was a duke who knew that he was not going to win the fight for Penelope Featherington's heart, because the undesirable Colin Bridgerton had too much advantage over him, he was a gentleman who had publicly declared his desire to court the young lady, For his honor, was not going to be inferior to a third child, so he decided to cheat.

Colin woke up shortly before ten in the morning, took a quick bath and dressed in his brother Anthony's clothes.

There was a great flutter in house number 5. For all the suitors of her sister Francesca. He heard the voices of those men, his sister and Kathe, the last one keeping order. It was obvious that there was a predilection with Mr. Stirling, because the others were leaving but that gentleman stayed in a corner watching Francesca from far, while she attended to the other suitors.

There were several bouquets all over the house, so Colin took a few flowers from here and there to put together a bouquet, under normal circumstances he would go buy one, but it was too late for that.

-What are you doing?- Violet asked.

-I'm sorry, mother- Colin greeted her with a kiss- I forgot to ask a servant to buy me a bouquet for Pen.

-Should I ask them to serve you breakfast?

-No, I must go now, remember that I am competing with a duke, I can't be late.

He left from number 5, with a smile on his face. It was strange that the duke was not there when it was announced, which made him feel very grateful. Penelope had a big smile on her face, she was beautiful that day, she had a pink dress, with some floral details on the neckline and shoulders, her hair half up, she looked like a beautiful forest nymph.

-Good morning Pen, Lady Featherington, Miss Prudence.

-Good morning, Mr. Bridgerton- they responded in chorus.

-Apparently the Duke decided not to persist in his courtship. I congratulate you Mr. Bridgerton, it is the second time you have made my daughter lose a great suitor. We only have you with no intention of marrying my daughter.

Colin felt angry at hearing so little politeness against him, but he had to accept that he had earned it.

-I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, Lady Featherington, I'm only courting Penelope, because of the words I said without thinking.

-See, Penelope, I told you- Portia declared.

-Now it all makes sense- Prudence added.

Penelope felt her heart skip a beat, she looked at Colin a little worried, but remembered his words "don't question my feelings again."

-That's the only reason I haven't asked her hand in marriage. I want you to understand that my intention is to be Penelope's husband and this courtship is only for the ton. So them, like you, understand my intentions and are clear that this union is out of love, not out of duty. So with that said, I would like Lady Featherington to have your blessing for Pen and me to marry in three months, if she agrees. And let this courtship be only for the rest of the world.

Portia, Prudence, and Mrs. Varley were speechless. Penelope, on the other hand, was smiling so much that her cheeks were starting to hurt, her heart was beating hard again, how she adored that man.

-Mom, if you agree, I also want to marry Colin! -Pen blurted out.

-But Penelope, you could have a duke- Portia said so quietly that only Pen and Prudence could hear her.

-I love Colin.

-Girls, please leave the room, I must speak with the gentleman alone.

Pen looked worried at Colin, but he gave her a look that made her feel better, now she knew that she could trust him and that if necessary he would run away with her.

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