Chapter 33

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The three brothers looked towards the woman's voice.

-What did you just say, Mr. Bridgerton?The woman hit him with her cane.

Colin and Benedict turned pale.

-I knew it, that girl is very insightful, I like her more and more. You Colin Bridgerton married far above your level - Lady Danbury mocked - she even made you a baron. I hope you didn't take her fortune too.

The third Bridgerton still didn't know what to answer, his tongue had dried up and he had forgotten to speak.

-you kept your wife's fortune! -Agatha exclaimed wondering if that's why Eloise had published the last panflect.

-No, I do keep the money in my name, but she can take it whenever she wants without my permission, when I do my business it is with the money I inherited and with my efforts I have made it grow, I have only touched her fortune to invest in a vineyard where Pen fell in love. -Baron Featherington defended himself.

-"Aha, you accept it," said Agatha triumphantly, "you can no longer deny it."

"I ask for the greatest discretion, Lady Danbury, I know about your friendship with the queen and this is a severe matter," Anthony asked.

-and lose the only exciting thing in the aristocracy of London, you think I'm stupid -Lady Danbury denied -it's redundant to say that you can count on my silence and help if you ever need it.

The three Bridgerton brothers bowed.

"If you'll excuse us, Lady Danbury, we must go," said the Viscount.

-Of course, I will continue with my visits.

The brothers began to walk.

"And thanks for the scoop," Ágatha shouted at them.

Alone, Colin hit Benedict.

"Why can't you keep a secret," Colin scolded him.

"Ah," he complained, "nothing for saving you from dying by hanging."

-I always get my way, or do you think Anthony was suspicious?

The viscount hit his younger brothers on the head.

-why are you talking as if I were not here. He hit Benedict again.-Why don't you look around before saying such vital information to ensure no one heard it. He hit Colin.-What else have you hidden from me?

The second and third Bridgerton complained, rubbing their heads.

-I remind you that we have to go to the printing presses to look for Eloise, then we will deal with Benedict for being a big mouth.

The second Bridgerton opened his eyes and pointed at himself with his hands

-I? -Benedict mocked.

Both the viscount and the baron rolled their eyes.

"Walking," Anthony said.

When the three brothers arrived at the printing press area in the viscount's carriage. They hoped to find Eloise's whereabouts. Colin didn't know the first printer Penelope had used but knew the name of Eloise's friend, so he went to the printer they were working with.

"Good afternoon," Colin greeted.

-Good afternoon sir, are you coming to deliver a pamphlet?

-No, I need you to help me find a person, the last maid who came to deliver the parcel is an excellent friend of Theo Sharpe, the girl is in some delicate health, and she wants to say hello to him in case -Colin cleared his throat -you know.

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