Chapter 34

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Penelope felt her energy renewed, Colin had convinced her to wait three more days to go home number 5, he had even brought the doctor to check on her, the old man had asked her to wait a little to get into a carriage, not go on foot. It was the best option, since walking for more than five minutes was difficult for her, but that day she felt much better.

Clarice, Thomas' nanny, was going to accompany them.

- Are you ready Colin? - Penelope looked into the baron's office.

-I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you, Cornelius sent me several letters with accounts to pay at the house in Bath, not only was it abandoned, but they also owed money to servants, gardeners, coachmen; I don't understand, the property is in an enviable area, why your dad didn't keep it up to date, a lease there could not only maintain the house, but also provide extra income including the salary of the staff.

-Is it that bad? - Penelope pursed her lips - You can take the money from my fund to cover the expenses.

-Are you a crazy woman? How do you think I'm going to let you spend your money? That is a property of Baron Featherington and who is Baron Featherington?

- You?

-Exactly, so don't worry, whatever you invest in recovering the property, we will recover it and even give us profits.

-Okay, then we're leaving - Penelope approached her husband to kiss him.

The contact was tender at first, she felt her stomach warm, with her hand she began to caress her husband's hair, which felt soft, he giggled when Penelope caressed her neck with her other hand, Colin adjusted his wife on his legs without releasing the touch from his lips, the rhythm began to increase, no one had invited the tongue to play because each one knew that this was going to be a path of no return and Penelope was not completely recovered. The kiss went on and on for what seemed like hours, Colin's member throbbed with need, but its owner refused to turn the kiss into something passionate, now they were telling each other how much they loved each other, with every movement, every breath. Penelope separated to look into his eyes, her husband's gaze was beautiful, not only because of the color of her eyes,

-I have to go - She smiled

"Go away" but he didn't release his grip on her waist, he gave her another kiss.

-Colin really - she giggled - I have to go.

The baron kissed her again, trying to control his laughter, tightening his grip with one hand and rubbing her back with the other. Pen separated again.

- Now yes, let me go.

colin laugh

-I'm not grabbing you - he raised his hands, for just a second, and then put them back together behind her waist.

Penelope kissed him again, it was so interesting how there were so many variations of kisses with her husband, this one, for example, felt like a childish prank, between laughter and contact, without any perversion or need to satisfy the body.

-Now I'm leaving- Penelope released her grip on Colin, she stood up, but he grabbed her hand as if allowing himself to be guided.

- Didn't you say you couldn't go?

-I never said that I couldn't accompany you to the door.

When they left the office, Clarice and Thomas were waiting for them, the former completely red, she had indeed heard everything that had happened inside with her bosses, which made Penelope blush.

Colin accompanied them to the door, the coachman and a servant were waiting, but Colin did not see Jack, the young man whom Colin had raised his salary for being able to defend Penelope with his life.

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