Chapter 49

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- She's in love, can you blame her? When Benedict told you I was in Scotland, you left immediately even though it was your brother's marriage.

- Aren't you supposed to not know if you're in love?

- You didn't know either, and I believe that deep down she knows.

- Good morning - the doctor greeted - they told me that Lord Featherington was ill.

- No - the couple said at the same time.

- We want you to check me, to verify if I am pregnant.

The doctor remained silent.

"Please check, we want to know if my wife is pregnant," Colin said, confused by the doctor's silence.

-I don't understand, Mr. Cornelius told me clearly that Lord Featherington was the one who was in poor health.

- We have our own theory, could you verify it with my wife, doctor? Colin said impatiently.

- of course.

Penelope gave her son to Colin, to settle next to him, take off her underwear, and raise her legs; The situation was still uncomfortable, she would have preferred it to be her elderly doctor or the assistant whose name she did not remember, because this Dr. Collins was relatively young, arrogant and very good looking, who made it more disagreeable.

After a few minutes, the doctor came out from under the sheet.

- Lord Featherington was right, your wife is pregnant, approximately two months, I know very well about her medical history, I would recommend that you travel with to Bath, where the most qualified doctors are, so that she can be treated from the beginning, to avoid such a problematic outcome.

Penelope was a little bothered by the doctor's tone of voice. She adjusted her underwear, then stood up.

- Now could you check "my husband" - emphasizing the words as the doctor did - to verify that nothing is wrong with him.

The doctor looked at Colin, ignoring Penelope, waiting for him to give him the order.

- That would be it, Mr. Collins, we already know the root of my illness, you can leave.

The man gave Colin a slight bow, leaving without saying goodbye or even looking at Penelope.

- why you didn't let him check you.

- No one who treats you that way should be in your presence, it bothers me too much that he has seen your privacy - Colin snarled.


The Bridgertons were gathered at dinner, Colin looked at the others' plates with sadness, there was only chicken broth in his, he knew that he should not eat heavy things, because he would regret it in the morning.

- Son, I'm thrilled to see you so recovered. Dr. Collins knows very well what he does.

Colin let out a disapproving whine.

- That gentleman did not deign to speak directly with Penelope, he passed on her as if she did not exist, and he did nothing, he only verified what we already knew.

Everyone present except Lady Featherington looked at them strangely.

- We're supposed to wait another month to tell you, but we're leaving for Bath tomorrow afternoon, so - he paused, pointing to Penelope - we're expecting our second son or daughter! - said proudly.

There were only smiles at the table, Penelope saw joy on most of the faces, but none of them could hide the worry, so she faked her smile while everyone went to hug Penelope first.

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