Chapter 51

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- "Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington, not even in your wildest fantasies Fife"

Penelope heard the mockery of the knights, and suddenly they all pointed at her.

- Miss Featherington, we were just talking about you, Mr. Bridgerton was telling us that you would have to be crazy if you think he would court you.

She didn't know what to do, her body didn't respond, she was just a spectator. Colin approached her.

- So Miss Featherington, are you mad?

The third Bridgerton showed her a pink ribbon, and she salivated. Colin approached her, tied her arms behind her, then kissed her neck. Fife and the other knights began to laugh at her.

- Colin, no!

Penelope woke up with heavy breathing, the day light was already there, which indicated that it was after six in the morning, Thomas was sleeping peacefully in Colin's arms; his husband might have put him to bed in the early morning. She sat up in bed, uneasy because of the strange dream she just had. She decided to get up, put some pillows on her side of the bed to prevent Thomas from rolling over.

She changed her clothes and left the room, the weather was warm, but the house was ventilated, so the heat was bearable, went downstairs, there was minimal movement in the place, Penelope was looking at the details of the decoration, the only thing that had remained of the Featherington family's past were the paintings, because everything else had been replaced.

It was crazy for her to think how her father had been able to abandon that property to follow his addiction to gambling.

- Lady Featherington, I did not expect to see you awake so early, good morning.

- Good morning, Mr. Cornelious. Could you ask the cook for my breakfast?

- of course.

- I'll be waiting in the office.

- Do you want to have breakfast there?

- No, I prefer the dining room.

Cornelious said goodbye with a slight bow, Penelope headed to the office, there were a couple of books, which reminded her of Colin's book. They had completely forgotten that they were supposed to go to the publishing house the next day. It take paper and ink to write two letters.

- Lady Featherington, your breakfast is served. Jack told her after knocking on the door.

- I'll be right there.

Penelope finished the letters, left them there so the ink could dry, got up and walked to the dining room. They had served her a modest breakfast, but Penelope felt particularly hungry that morning.

- Cornelius! -she called.

- Yes, Lady Featherington, do you need anything?

- could you ask the cook for another two fried eggs with bacon.

- Yes my lady, anything else?

- There are two letters in the library, I left them drying, could you take care of sending them, they should arrive in London today.

- Yes, my lady, I'll take care of it.

- I also want to be in Thomas's nanny's interviews.

- of course.

Penelope ate happily, she preferred to eat alone, since due to Colin's nausea, she couldn't eat anything fatty near him at any meal. When she finally got up from the table, she started walking to the bathroom to clean her mouth, when she started getting dizzy out of nowhere, and very nauseous.

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