Chapter 47

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Penelope's voice echoed in her mind "It seems that Sir Phillip is going to be engaged to Miss Smith because he is convinced that you do not want to marry anyone, ever" Eloise hated all the times had declared out loud her desire to be spinster for life.

But on the way to her lover's rental house, she was wondering if she really wanted to get married, the only thing was sure about is she didn't want to see Phillip marry anyone else.

If a longer courtship were possible, if only they could get to know each other better, all those doubts would be dissolved and she would be one hundred percent sure of her decision. But how could she ask that to Sir Phillip, she had no right to force him to do anything, after all he needed a wife now, he had no time to waste and if in the end decided that she didn't want to get married, it would be very unfair of her part.

Why I don't live in a world where these situations were more straightforward. I am the one who had complicated everything? It had been easy for her sisters-in-law and her sister, they had told her that they found out at the right time.

When she arrived at the rental house, she went through the employee entrance, luckily for her, it was unlocked, entered trying not to make noise, looked around and thanked the heavens that no one was there, she began to walk stealthily , using the main stairs since the children and Phillip should be in the rooms at that time. A staircase made a loud noise, causing her to climb all of them quickly.

Almost out of breath, she tried to guess which Phillip's room was, she heard some snoring, so she opened the door slowly to avoid noise. It was the twins who were sleeping soundly, Eloise couldn't help the desire to get closer to them, she had felt quite bad when she hadn't been able to greet them that afternoon when they went to lunch at house number 5.

She stayed for several minutes looking at them, reviewing Amanda's small changes, since the last time they shared together at the Crane mansion, she looked a little taller, but a little thinner, she remembered that it was her who forced the little girl to eat all the food. She took a curl, playing with it, then kissed her forehead, the girl didn't move. El looked at the other bed where Oliver was, the boy was snoring quite loudly for his tiny body, the fifth Bridgerton moved his body to change the position, making the snoring stop immediately, El returned to her steps and extinguished the candle that was about to be consumed on the nightstand.

"How careless" Eloise thought, believing had been the children's nanny. As she left the room she heard giggling, realizing that the children were pretending, so she locked them up. had experienced that this was the best thing with them, couldn't count with her fingers anymore, all the times the twins got into mischief at night, the only thing that worked was to lock them up and let them get bored, at the time. ending falling asleep.

Eloise continued searching for the master bedroom, the houses in the Mayfair area were very similar, but the rental place was far away, close to Penelope and Colin's old home.

One of the rooms was unlocked, she opened the door, and could see Mr. Crane's silhouette through the curtains, he was looking at the street from the balcony. Eloise couldn't just go out to meet him because someone might see them, which would be her downfall. She spent several minutes looking at him without knowing what to do, she sat on the bed, and then jumped up. Until finally the gentleman entered the room.

-Eloise! - look to the sides- what are you doing here?

Miss Bridgerton had a thousand different versions about what to say, but the moment those green eyes met hers, she forgot she knew how to speak.

-You can't be here - the knight lowered the volume of his voice, because he had screamed in surprise.

-I-Eloise stammered.

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