Chapter 19

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When the ladies arrived in London, they began to cry, they looked for a rented carriage without a roof. When they arrived at house number 5, they asked the servant to pay the coachman. They entered the main table, they were all having breakfast.

-Hello- Eloise said.

Everyone looked at them, screams and cries were heard, everyone jumped to hug them including Portia and Prudence who were also there.

After several minutes everyone finished greeting them.

-Where is Anthony? -Kate asked.

-Are Colin and Benedict with you?- Violet added.

-they are not here? -Penelope asked.

-They did go to Greece to look for you- Simon responded.

-We came back alone. Mother, this is Olivia -pointing to her- she was the one who helped us escape, could you give her a job here at the house?

Violet and Portia, crying, approached the young woman and hugged her.

-Thank you for helping our girls -said Violet- here you will have a job for life if you want it.

-Well, change your clothes, or do you want breakfast first? -said Portia

-We're hungry- they responded at once.

The servants brought them food and Olivia was sent to settle in. No one could stop looking at them while they ate.

-what? -Eloise asked.

-It's just that we didn't know if we were going to see you again- Daphne's voice faltered.

-How are we going to tell them that they are already here? -Gregory asked.

-We have to wait for them to write us so we can return the letter- said Simon.

After breakfast they both took a bath and slept in Eloise's bed. When they woke up it was almost night. Penelope came down first, Kate was alone in Anthony's office.

"Hello Kate," said Pen.

-Hello Pen, are you feeling better?

-Yes, thanks. I'm sorry to have separated you from the viscount.

-Oh dear, it's not your fault, it was from a crazy person who doesn't know how to take no for an answer.

They both smiled.

"How did Colin take it when he found out?" Pen said.

-At first there was a lot of confusion, we didn't know what had really happened, Colin was the last to find out, because he wasn't here. When we told him he almost fainted, but he was the one who thought of going to the port, even somehow he knew which of all the duke's properties was the right one.

"We never got there," Pen smiled. "We convinced the duke to wait one night, the following day the three of us got on the boat.

"How brave, I don't know what I would have done if it had happened to me," Kathe said.

"Same thing," she took her hand, "you're a Bridgerton."

"Speaking of which," Kate added, "I was filling in for you while you were gone."

"I don't understand," Penelope said, frowning.

-your work dear, Genevieve helped me, but I only wrote one. We haven't been to another dance, we were all too worried about the five of you. It is fascinating.

Penelope was surprised.

-Benedict told me because if there were no pamphlets while you were away someone might get suspicious, Colin agreed.

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