Chapter 18

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The friends got off the ship quite tired from the journey. They had planned to go to the port to buy two tickets to return to London, but it was already night, there were no ships that sailed long distances.

-Ladies, can you accompany me to the next boat, this is not our final stop- Charles demanded.
-excellency- said Penelope with a playful tone- Eloise and I are very tired from the trip, we must gain strength to continue, so we would like to rest in this area.

-Yes, maybe change our dresses and take a bath- Eloise added.

-It's good Miss Penelope realized what was best for you - he gently grabbed her by the jaw - Okay, let's look for a hostel around here.

He sent his servants to find one, and they returned after an hour. The duke invited them to get into the carriage, but this time the ladies refused. Pen sat with the driver and Eloise on a rented horse, paid by the duke.Upon arrival at the hostel, the girls went to their room, asked for two bathrooms, a large amount of food, and clothes to change. They arrived at the room and took a bath for several minutes. Olivia came with the food, they covered themselves with towels and approached the table in the room.

-Olivia, have you eaten yet? -Penelope asked.

-Don't worry, miss, when I finish helping you, I will go with the men and eat with them.

-We insist, dear- said Eloise- this is too much food.

The three ate until they burst, then one of the servants brought two dresses so the ladies could change.They dressed in bedclothes and had no plans to talk to Charles.

-Olivia, do you know if the duke is arranging our wedding? -Penelope asked.

-Miss- the girl whispered- I heard one of the servants say everything was arranged for this weekend.

-We have to escape tomorrow as soon as it dawns- said Eloise. Otherwise, we will go to that final stop and wonder if our money is enough.

Penelope scolded her with her eyes because they didn't know if Olivia would be her ally.

-I will help you, but is it possible to join you? The master was never mean to me, but it would never have occurred to me that he would do such an outrage to you. So I fear for my well-being.

Penelope smiled at her and took her hand
- of course - she said but didn't know how much money they would charge for the tickets.

The girls took turns to 😴 because they were tired and didn't want to fall asleep. Before entering the room, Olivia saw the guard sleeping in front of the ladies' door, so she told him to go to bed and if she needed help would wake him up.

When she entered the room, both girls were sleeping, Pen in bed and Eloise sitting looking at the window. Olivia woke them up quietly and helped them wear their new dresses, since the others smelled bad.
They left without their shoes on, to don't make noise, they got on two of the horses rented by the duke.When they arrived at the port thanks to Olivia's instructions, they tied up the horses, the workers had just arrived, there was a ship that left in thirty minutes to London.

They both got excited because it was still early in the morning.

-We can do it- Eloise said triumphantly.

-Good morning, to buy three tickets to London for the ship that leaves in half an hour.

The worker looked at her hand.

-It would be 3 shillings, one per person.

Penelope looked at her friend in horror among the pennies they had only 1 shilling.

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