Chapter 26

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Two years ago Violet had witnessed the weakness that her son felt for the youngest of the Featheringtons, she had never interfered, she only nudged Colin here and there to ask "some" of the Featheringtons to dance, knowing which one was the one his son was going to choose.

When they were at the Featherington house and Portia told them that Penelope fled to Scotland, she almost laughed at the moment that Colin asked permission to marry her out of jealousy.

Then she had to reprimand him because that wasn't how to do things.

After Benedict told her that Colin had gone to look for Pen, Violet celebrated with a glass of wine. She knew that when she returned she would have an engaged son and it was no secret to anyone that her mission was to see all her children married.

What she never imagined was that his third child was going to suffer so much. First, his girlfriend was kidnapped weeks before the wedding and now his daughter-in-law had a high-risk pregnancy, so she had to sit or lie down all day.

"Hello dear," Violet greeted her daughter-in-law

it was the first visit, after receiving Colin's letter, tomorrow it would be Eloise's turn.

-Violet, thank you very much for visiting me

Pen smiled at her and bowed her head.

-Of course, dear, you will always have me here for whatever you need, ¿how do you feel?

-Some dull to be honest, my feet are hurting a lot. Is that normal?

-dont say more- Violet called Cornelius, asked for baby oil, he brought it a few minutes later.

-"What is it for?" Penelope asked.

-you will see. Violet sat on Pen's bed, hiked up the skirt, removed her gloves, and put them on the nightstand.Violet took off her stockings, Penelope jumped a little in surprise, put oil on her foot, spread it all over her leg, and started massaging it.

"Lady Bridgerton doesn't have to do this," Pen told her sadly.

-yes I have, you carry my fourth grandchild in your body, you should be as comfortable as possible.

Colin entered the room, Penelope was asleep and her mother massaged her right leg.

-What are you doing mother?

-Look so you can learn, when a woman is pregnant she accumulates a lot of fluids and these are usually retained in the legs, sometimes it hurts.

Colin took off his vest, rolled up his shirt sleeves, took his wife's other leg, following his mother's instructions, was impressed to see that Pen didn't wake up.

-Pen usually sleeps lightly, but she is sleeping peacefully, why?

-She is exhausted, her body takes away the energy for the baby to grow healthy and strong.

-She doesn't say anything, but I know that being still for so long makes her unhappy. -Colin laments.

-You are doing what you should son, and we are here to support you, Kate would be happy to come, but her pregnancy is very advanced, she should be at home in peace.

-Pen and I didn't expect her to come either, we understand the situation perfectly.

Both Bridgertons remained silent, Violet watched as her son did the massage, making sure he did it right, she saw that the skin on Colin's arms would stand on end and Penelope, still asleep, moaned her son's name. When she understood what was happening she turned red, she said goodbye to her son with an excuse and ran away.

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