Chapter 37

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Colin was woken up by the knocking of the door. When he opened his eyes, he saw a vision: Pen was with her hair disheveled, sleeping peacefully next to him in a state of absolute nudity.

-My lord, may I come in? -Cornelius hit again.

Colin put a sheet over both of them.

-yes Cornelius.

"My lord, I'm sorry to wake you." When he saw Penelope lower his voice, he walked to Colin's side and whispered, "Your brother Anthony is downstairs, you told me to call him first thing in the morning and it's already eleven o'clock"

-Yes I remember, tell my brother to wait for me in the living room for a few minutes, I'll be down.

-Yes my lord.

The man left, Colin looked at Penelope angrily, since his brother had damaged his plans on how he wanted to wake up his wife, but Eloise came first of all. So he got up and started dressing.

The moment Lord Featherington left the room Pen opened her eyes suddenly, she called a maid to dress her as soon as possible, when she was finally ready asked for her carriage, going down the stairs she met Kate who was going to enter to the living room.

-Good morning Kate.

-Hello Penelope, you look lovely this morning.

-thank you.

"My lady, the carriage is ready," Jack indicated.

-I need you to keep those two in the living room until I return.

The viscountess frowned.

-what's happening?

-I swear I'm going to tell you, but I can't waste time.

"Okay, go," Kate said goodbye, then she entered the living room and closed the door.

- Jack, don't say a word about this to anyone, take me to the dressmaker.

-Yes my Lady.


-I don't understand, why do you think Eloise is in the Crane mansion?

Both gentlemen watched Kate enter and close the door.

-what's going on?

-Colin thinks Eloise is at the Crane mansion.


"It's a long story to tell," said Colin.

"We have time," Kate smiled.

-I'll summarize it for you, dear -Anthony kissed his wife's cheek - this nerd was engaged to Penelope's cousin, Marina Thompson. But it was a trick of hers because she was pregnant by Mr. Crane who was at war. It turns out that man died

-If he died then who is Marina married to?

"Well, the Crane who pregnant her died, but as befits a second brother, he took care of Marina, who is now Lady Crane," Anthony continued.

-She's no longer Lady Crane, you don't know that part yet.

"I don't understand," Anthony said.

-Marina died, the same day Penelope woke up.

-how do you know?

-Penelope was her cousin, Sir Crane wrote her a letter.

-but what does it have to do with Eloise.

-when Eloise was fighting with Penelope about Lady Whistledown.

Anthony shushed Colin with a shh, according to the Viscount his wife didn't know.

-why you're telling me to shut up, Kate wrote...

Kate looked at Colin with warning eyes.

-Kate did what?

"I don't know what Colin is talking about," Kate tried to hide.

Lord Featherington understood what was happening. But it was too late to remedy it, there was a staring fight in the living room.

-Kate, did you also know? Wait, not only did you know that but you also wrote some of them? I thought that only Eloise and Penelope had been the authors.

"You knew too and didn't tell me anything," Kate inquired.

-is different.

-It's the same, why didn't you tell me anything?

Colin wanted to leave the room and leave the couple alone, because beyond arguing, it seemed like they were flirting. He cleared his throat.

-You both know, now can we continue with Eloise?

The couple looked at each other, and Colin knew that look very well. He had interrupted a preamble, which made him laugh.

-You can continue with your "discussion" later. The thing is that Eloise told Marina the identity of Penelope, and after that they wrote to each other. I think that Sir Crane also sent a letter to Eloise informing her of Lady Crane's death, just at the moment she was invaded by the concern for Penelope's health, anger at me, the pamphlet she wrote, adding that she had the money paid her for the booklet so it was easy for her to go to the mansion.

-but if Lady Crane died, Eloise is in the house of a single man -Anthony understood the gravity

-we must leave immediately, do you know where it is?

-Yes, I already went once. It is a couple of hours from Audrey Hall

Kate remembered Penelope's request, she could only leave them once she arrived.

-But you can't go like older brothers to break everything, we still don't know if it's there, plus the poor man lost his wife, you would like three big guys to come and make a fuss about him months after his wife died ?

"It's not the same Kate, he didn't love her, he was forced to marry her," Colin responded.

-are you sure about that? And if later a love grew?

"A gentleman would send us a letter as soon as it arrived so that we could pick her up," Anthony added.

"If Eloise is in that mansion, that man did nothing that decorum would dictate." With what intentions did he do it?

Kate knew she was right but Penelope had yet to arrive.

-We have to give him the benefit of the doubt, we all should get to Audrey Hall, and go with Benedict to see if Eloise is there and if not, we give our condolences to Sir Crane.

-It's not wise, if Eloise is there, we have to defend her honor and if that happens I don't want you around, Colin won't want Pen there either.

-No, under no reason.

Penelope opened the door, and Kate could finally breathe.

-Good morning, have you already told them?

-yes we are arguing, Kate thinks we all should go.

-It's a good idea, but we could stay at Audrey Hall while you two and Benedict go to the mansion.

"I think it's better," Anthony admitted.

"Well, let's go to lunch, Colin must be starving," Pen joked.

Both gentlemen left the living room to go to the dining room, and the ladies stayed behind.

-You went to warn her, right?

-We have to get it there on Friday, to give it time to arrive.

-Why didn't you say anything?

-Eloise defamed my husband -Pen look at Kate- she is in a mansion with two three-year-old babies, and a gentleman who spends his time outside researching plants. She hasn't spoken to anyone in five months 🤭 she must be going crazy, she deserved it.

-Remind me never to defame your husband.

"You're doing well," Penelope laughed.

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