Chapter 54

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The Duke and Duchess of Hastings received a letter from the Viscount. Daphne read it.

- Something happens? - Simon asked.

- Penelope is pregnant.

- how many months?

- According to Anthony he is eleven weeks old, and there is still a long way to go.

- Remind me in three months to take care of my diet.

She approached her husband to kiss his cheek.

- you're the best.


After much thought, Penelope decided on a nanny her mother's age. She did not consider herself a jealous woman, but the lady had been the only one who had not stared at her husband like candy. In fact Eleanor only paid attention to her and Thomas.

But before leaving her in the care of her firstborn, she had Colin and Cornelious investigate her, she did not consider that they had enemies, but it was better to make sure, after all it was her son.

- has taken care of babies all her life and has good references, Cornelius even asked them to describe her physically, and she had no fault. But if you want, I will send Cornelius with her to verify it.

Penelope bit her lower lip, she didn't want to be overprotective; Marcela had been hired by her mother-in-law, so Lady Featherington had no experience hiring anyone.

- if it's not too much to ask - she gritted her teeth with a nervous smile.

- I'm ordering it right now, I'll increase the salary a little to prevent her from feeling uncomfortable.

Penelope nodded. Colin left the office, she was still on the floor with Thomas, they had put some thick quilts on the floor and stepped on it barefoot. Dr. Cunningham had been kind enough to return a few days later to confirm that Thomas no longer had any allergies.

Lady Featherington had received the mail that morning: three Whistledowns, Kate was improving her way of writing, it almost resembled her particular style; had also received a letter from the viscountess along with the pamphlets, in which she said that had begun printing the hundred copies that would be ready in a month, and that the owner of the publishing Mr Davies had requested that Colin be at the inauguration. Since it is a tradition when publishing a new book.

There was another letter from Italy, the vineyard had a considerable decline, it said that in approximately five months they could not send her part, because they needed to reinvest. Penelope answered the correspondence, finally sitting next to her son. Colin entered the office, removed his boots, leave them outside next to Penelope shoes and saw the two letters drying, he approached them to read their contents.

- How is it that only Colin will be at the inauguration? - He crumpled the letter that Penelope had written, took a paper and ink, and began to write.

Lady Featherington got up from the ground and stood behind her husband.

- No Colin - she grabbed his hand - you can't ask for more time.

- If you don't go, I don't want to go, I want you there with me, that is your triumph as much as mine.

- But Colin they would wait almost a year.

- Pen, you are the most famous writer in England and no one knows who you are, you will never have an inauguration, I really want you there.

- then let's both go.

- Good - Colin continued writing.

Penelope grabbed his hand again, took the paper, crumpled it and threw it away.

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