Chapter 45

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-Do you think I could be pregnant?

-There is a very great possibility.

Colin felt terrible, not even a year had passed since the scare of his life. But there he was, getting his wife pregnant.

-Pen, I try to control myself and not spread myself inside, but being with you brings out an animal instinct that I can't explain.

-I understand you

-Do you?

-Just look at your shoulder, it's already turning lilac.

The third Bridgerton looked at his shoulder, his wife was right.

-Let's get changed, we have to go down to have tea.

- tea? It's already dark, we should go down to dinner.

Before leaving the room, the couple called for a maid to care for their son, since Thomas was still asleep.
Penelope sat at the table, looking around at Eloise, but she still didn't appear.

"Eloise asked for her food to be served upstairs," Kate told the butler.

-Right away my lady.

Lady Featherington looked at the Viscountess with questions in her eyes, but she had no answer. Everyone finished dinner and moved to the library, as Hyacinth wanted to show her brothers a song she composed on the violin.

Penelope and Kate took advantage of the fact that everyone was distracted by the youngest of the Bridgertons to go up to Eloise's room. She still had the food tray on the floor, so Kate asked the housekeeper to open the door for her; When they entered, Penelope brought the tray of food and left it on the desk, Kate asked the woman to go and leave them alone.

The fifth Bridgerton had inherited Daphne's room, one of the largest, with the best view, except for the viscounts' room. Eloise was silent, lying on her left side, facing the window.
Penelope approached with a chair in her hands, and she sat down in front of her sister-in-law, Kate just sat on the bed, rubbing her back with one hand. Eloise looked devastated, but she wasn't crying, she looked gone, as if her spirit had left her body.

"What happened?" Penelope asked. "Wasn't he at home?"


-But it took you hours, did you stay to wait for him? Kate asked.


Lady Featherington looked at the viscountess, not knowing what to do, she took her hand.

-Eloise what happened? we are here with you for whatever you need. If you don't want to tell us that's fine, just say it, Kate and I will never discuss it again.

Eloise closed her eyes, squeezing them very tightly; the tears began to fall.

"He is courting," El began to speak, but her voice was cut off by tears. took a deep breath. "I heard from the employees that he was courting Miss Smith."

"But that doesn't mean anything, you know that service people hear a lot of gossip," Penelope said as she stroked her hair.

Eloise cried silently, she shook her head.

-I thought the same thing, that's why I went to the park, I did it in disguise, because I didn't have a maid with me.

Her sisters-in-law nodded, they already knew.

-I saw them -Penelope sniffed her tears, it was obvious that it was difficult for Eloise to speak- they were delighted, chatting.

Lady Featherington and the Viscountess didn't know what to say, they stood like that for a while.

"You know," Kate began to speak, "when Anthony said "Miss Sharma," I was sure he was going to propose to me, but that's not what he did. As you know, he offered to my sister and my heart broke. I felt everything you are feeling, dear Eloise, I know it is a terrible pain and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, much less on you.
Penelope looked at Kate, she didn't know where she was going.-Sometime later, I asked Anthony what motivated him to do that, just the day after he and I almost kissed, but we didn't because we were interrupted by Daphne.
Now the other two ladies had all their attention on the viscountess.
-Anthony confessed to me that he was afraid of his feelings; they were so strong that he didn't know what to do with them, and knew he wouldn't get hurt with my sister. I'm sure that's what's wrong with Sir Crane. He doesn't want to get hurt; the question here, my dear Eloise, is, what do you want? If you marry him, you will be a mother of two children in the blink of an eye, you will have to live in the country, which means we will only see each other once a year for a couple of months. Are you sure that's what you want? I know that men like him are not abundant in the Ton, but new candidates can always arrive every year, finally one who is similar to you will arrive. But will you regret not being with him?

-How did you know it was love?

"Don't look at me, from the second your brother didn't reprimand me for making him fall off his horse, I knew I would follow him to the end of the world," Pen laughed.

-That's how you knew you liked him, but when did you realize it was real love and not platonic? -Eloise insisted.

Penelope thought about it some more.

-I don't know if it was at that exact moment, but he accepted that he had always courted me, that he unconsciously looked for me at dances and thought of me when traveling. There, I had to accept that he loved me as much as I loved him.

-And you Kate? -Eloise asked.

-We knew each other before we knew our names, you know that I like to ride, although my annoying husband forbids me from doing it when it rains 🙄

"He has his reasons," Penelope mocked.

-I liked him right there, from the first day. But I knew I was madly in love. Well I have to give you the context, he and I were arguing and a bee stung me
- the two ladies let out an exclamation - yes, Anthony panicked, to calm him down I took his hand and put it on my chest so he could realize I was breathing. In that moment so many things happened, it's as if our souls spoke to each other. Then there was a storm, I met him in the library - the ladies looked at her surprised - we didn't agree to meet each other there, it just happened! he told me about his father and that's when I found out.

-But for me it wasn't like that, it was the moment I kissed him that I -Eloise remained silent, trying to find the words.

"If you're not sure," Kate interrupted, "it probably isn't." You should let him go.

-Kate is right -Penelope knew what the Viscountess was trying, after all the Bridgerton siblings are all the same- Miss Smith is a perfect lady for him, she has patience, God knows she has it.

"Above all," interrupted Kate, who had gone to the Miss Smith recitals, "she's going to need it with those twins, who must have been a nightmare, if they look kind of cute when they eat, but who would want to be the stepmother of those little devils."

- That mansion, all battered, will indeed be remodeled to the best taste of the Smiths - Penelope almost mocks when she sees Eloise's face - not to mention Sir Crane, you say he is a good kisser, Miss Smith will surely enjoy his attentions as well. no other lady.

It was easy to see the pitched battle that was going on in Eloise's head, Penelope and Kate got up from their seats to stand in front of their sister-in-law.

"He has those arms, I bet he can lift Miss Smith without any problem," said Penelope.

"He has an impressive face, he's almost as handsome as Anthony," Kate mocked

"and his lips, how are they, Eloise?" Is he really a good kisser?- Penelope asked

-what Eloise kissed who!

The three ladies looked in horror at the door. Lord Featherington was looking at them quite angrily.

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