Chapter 50

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Eloise arrived at "my house" she was too tired, but wanted to greet her brother before locking herself in what would be her room, the people who helped in the house did not know where Benedict was because he was supposed to be in the main room " "your brother was very sick with influenza, he probably wanted to walk by the lake."

So Eloise set out to look for it near the lake, it was the first time was on that property so it was difficult to locate; When she finally saw the place in the distance, she also glimpsed a couple, who were kissing, didn't want to interrupt, so she moved a little away from them.


Eloise recognized her older brother's voice, she came a little closer, and Benedict took the young woman's hand.

The girl said something but Eloise couldn't hear her.

- I didn't mean to insult you and you know it.

Eloise could hear the second Bridgerton, but the voices were lost in the wind. Out of pure curiosity she moved closer. Slower this time, because she wanted to know what was going on between the two of them, there was nothing else Eloise loved more than knowing something about one of her brothers that no one else knew.

- I'm not going to be your mistress!

Eloise was surprised, she had not believed her brother was capable of such a proposal, the young woman must had a lower social level. She watched the young woman struggle against the strength her brother exerted on her to keep her in the place. decided it was time to intervene. Eloise came out of her hiding place but neither of them realized that she was there, so she got even closer, so much that she could see the moles that the young woman had on her right arm.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," Eloise said.

Benedict turned pale but did not release his grip on the young woman's waist.


- the same - she waited for a moment hoping the second Bridgerton loosened his grip, when it didn't happen, she decided to be more direct - could you release the young woman I must talk to you about.

- Go home, we'll meet you there.

- No, what I have to tell you is urgent.

- Eloise, don't you see that I'm busy?

- What I see, is your guest doesn't want to be here right now - the girl's eyes were glassy - what I have to tell you is really important, it's about mother's last birthday.

- What about that?

- some information you wanted to know.

The couple turned pale, Eloise didn't know who was more astonished than the other, but finally Benedict released his hold, and the girl started to run.

- Don't even think about running away Sophie! Wait for me at the house or I'll look for you.

Eloise saw the lady was far enough away to hit her brother on the arm.

- You didn't realize you broke her heart! Poor girl, is that why you have her wearing those giant dresses? So that she accepts being your mistress! Shame on you.

- Is that what you wanted to tell me?

Eloise looked at the floor.

- No. The lady in the silver dress appeared.

Benedict stopped looking at the path Sophie walked to look at his sister, with a surprised expression.

- lies.

Eloise frowned.

- Why would I do that?

- You want me to leave so you can be alone with Sir Phillip.

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