Chapter 31

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-Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!

Colin opened his eyes, and a girl with black hair and blue eyes appeared.

-Where is your mom?

-in the office

The third Bridgerton stood up quickly, and the floor began to fall after each footstep, he saw Pen sitting at her desk, he almost reached her but was swallowed by the floor, and he saw Pen on top.

-Pen help me!

She just looked at him and went back to what she was doing. Colin woke up, he was covered in sweat, a maid was in the room feeding the baby, he looked around Benedict was reading something.

-Penelope, how is Pen?

-Calm down -Benedict got up from the chair and sat next to his younger brother - she is stable, but she hadn't woken up, you slept a lot brother, five days to be exact, the doctors told us that it was better to let you sleep so that you were not stressed.

-But what about Pen, is she going to wake up?

-I'm not going to lie to you, it's not all right, your house has been a parade of people donating blood. But we are all optimistic and hope she recovers soon. I don't want to be alarming but there is something else you need to worry about

The second Bridgerton gave the pamphlet to his brother, he looked at it strangely, reading sentence after sentence, he could not believe that this unfortunate woman had been capable of such nonsense. Wait a minute he thought to himself, he knew the writer, but she was unconscious.

-who was? Benedict looked at the maid, who was concentrating on the baby, lowering his voice as she responded.

-Eloise But what's going through her head," he said in a low voice, "I'm going to kill her."

-Don't even bother, she is hidden in house number 5 and now everyone's priority is Pen's health, then we will look at how to murder that woman who claims to be our sister.

-And you didn't see the pamphlet when she gave it to you? -Colin lowered the volume of his voice.

-Do you think I would be so stupid? she went alone.

-Well, that doesn't matter now, I want to see Pen.

Colin got up perhaps too quickly, because he felt very dizzy. Benedict supported him with his weight.

-First we will take you to eat, then you and that little man over there will visit Pen.

Colin was going to look at his son, but the maid's breast was visible, out of respect he preferred to leave it for later. Both brothers went down to the dining room, some relatives including the Featheringtons were there.

"Lord Featherington, good morning," Portia greeted.

Colin looked back in case he saw that damn Jack but there was no one, he understood that they were talking to him.

-I prefer "Colin" if you don't mind Lady Featherington.

The third Bridgerton ate as if he hadn't eaten in a week, which was almost what happened. When finally satisfied, he got up from the table with energy to face reality. When he returned to the room where he was sleeping, they had prepared a bath for him; supposed he must be smelling awful for them to be so subtle.
His mother awaited him with her son when he came out and changed. Now Colin could see him well. He couldn't remember when he had grown so much since birth. He took him out of Violet's arms.

-Hello son, when did you grow so much?

The baby was asleep, his skin tone closely resembling his mother's, but his hair was black and thick like his father's.

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