Chapter 5

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It was already Saturday, the day Viscount Bridgerton chose his Viscountess, but this time with the correct Sharma sister. The wedding was intimate, and there was no party, only family guests. due the failure of the first Bridgerton-Sharma the queen in person forbade the couple from having a big party.

Colin faked smiles while drinking wine. He had given up brandy because he blamed it for his current misfortune. Saw the bride and groom radiating happiness and wondered what it would have been like if Lady Featherington had accepted his marriage proposal. Would Penelope also agree? Or, on the contrary, she would have rejected him too.

-She's in Scotland-Benedict said softly.


-Penelope is in Scotland- he repeated.

-How do you know? -Colin ask curiously

-Do you care about the news or who told it?

-I'm worried about your source's benn reliable

- I swear.

-What part of Scotland?

-No, the source doesn't know

-Scotland is a country, not a city, you know that right?

-Well, it doesn't matter what I told you. She's not that important to you - Benedick mocked

-she is speacial to me, but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

- It's a redhead with blue eyes, how difficult can it be

- in Scotland - he paused - you're kidding, right?

- I suggest you hurry up, little brother, remember that she is under the care of the best matchmaker in Scotland, the country. Because if he gets married, her husband may not let her get close to her.

Colin felt a knot in his stomach when he heard the word husband and Penelope in the same sentence again. He finished eating and went to his room. He started to pack. He was going to start at the dock, he took out a good part of his fortune because he was going to ask for many favors. Despite knowing Scotland, he knew that this mission would not be easy, but his Pen worth it.

That same afternoon Colin went on a trip. He only informed his brother Benedict so that he could tell the others when the celebrations would be over. Entered his cabin, lay down on the bed trying to make a plan to find her, he just prayed to God that Penelope had caught attention on the dock so that someone would recognize her, he also had a drawing that his brother Benedict had given him. to find her. Colin stared at her friend's draw, even though Benedict was a great artist, he had not captured the blue of her eyes, nor her heart-shaped face, nor her full, soft lips.

-Daddy! Daddy! Colin opened one eye. Was a beautiful four-year-old girl, her hair was reddish, she had gray eyes like her sister Eloise's, in fact she looked a lot like her sister Eloise when she was that age, but with red hair, similar to Pen's

- hello baby, where is your dad, did you miss your cabin?

- are you still asleep? Wake up!! -The girl delicately touched the eye that was closed and opened it. -You're already awake.

-Yes, I'm already -still lying down, waiting for that tender girl's parents to arrive.

-Mom says we're going to have breakfast.

-Where is your mom? - Feeding my little brother. Colin closed his eyes again

- Not, Dad! Don't fall asleep, let's go have breakfast.

-I'm not hungry-Colin said.

-Colin Bridgerton, come on!-the girl said, grabbing and pulling his hand.

Colin felt cold when the girl told him his name. 3

-How do you know my name? Im not dad?

-My mother calls you that when she gets angry with you.

-Yes, and how do I tell your mother when I get angry with her

- Mrs Bridgerton, the girl responded.

Colin woke up the following day, thinking it had been that dream, it was so real, they were even in the same cabin, he got up to have breakfast and there was no girl like the one in the dream, there wasn't even a family there. But how cool It would be to continue traveling even if you have children.


The routine was great to not think about the pain, her maid always woke her up at seven in the morning, her aunt had ordered her to make more flattering 👗 in pastel colors, that day's dress was a soft pink with small decorations on the cleavage. Then she had breakfast with her family, Felicity gave her a summary of the day they had planned for her. It seemed like they had explicit orders from her mother, not giving her time to think. This Thursday they had to go to a beach which was relatively easy since they were on an island in Scotland, there were beaches everywhere.

Every time she stepped onto the beach, she felt the sand on her feet, remembered the letters in which Colin described the sight and the sensation. He hadn't been wrong in the description of it, sometimes she felt like she was inside his letter, remembering it word for word.But the memory did not last long, since her cousin continually interrupted her when she saw her lost in her thoughts.

In the afternoon they went to Duchess Williams' house to drink tea, they talked about the nobles of the area and their descendants, but Penelope couldn't care less, since they were just names to her.

-My dear, I already told you that my son, the future duke, will return next week- said the duchess

interrupting Penelope's thoughts.

-I don't think he has mentioned it-

But it was the tenth time the elderly duchess had told her. You're going to love my son, I had him after my thirties, when I thought I couldn't give heirs to my dear husband, but Charles was a blessing.

-Did you marry the Duke at a young age? -Felicity asked

-no, they already considered me a spinster when I married, I was twenty-eight years old. Many people had advised the duke not to marry me, but our love conquered all gossip. But the most challenging thing for our relationship was not being able to give him heirs, until six years later our beloved Charles arrived. A complete blessing. I told you dear that he will come next week,

Penelope looked at Felicity, wanting to ask her with her eyes if the Duchess was sick in the head, but her cousin was very interested in the conversation, so she wasn't looking at her.

-How old is Mr. Charles? - Felicity asked.

-Next month he will turn thirty years old. It's curious. Men could be a hundred years old and no one would invent a nickname similar to spinster. But a woman barely over twenty-five is already a burden on the family, I hope that one day that will change.

-Does the duke plan to get married soon? -Felicity asked.

-In his last letter was what he told me, but I would like him to marry a woman who is already a spinster, like me. to continue the family tradition.

Penelope was amazed at her cousin's interest in the Duchess's stories, which amused her greatly.

After dinner with her family, Felicity summarized the Duchess's stories to her mother.Routine was good for her, she only remembered Colin occasionally. But when night came, the memory of Colin, of his words, burned her inside, she had become an expert at falling asleep crying.

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