Chapter 53

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The Featheringtons arrived at the spa where Penelope would have to go every day; it was a large white house, there were people in beds covered with some type of plastic while smoke came out of an opening, others were drinking tea while laughing.

- Good afternoon - Colin greeted the receptionist.

The woman looked at Lord Featherington and was speechless for a few seconds, her jaw dropped a little, but she managed to compose herself, Penelope giggled when she saw her husband who did not react to the lady.

- good afternoon, welcome, hello cute little boy- greeting to Thomas - my name is Ivonne, how can I help you?

- We are Lord and Lady Featherington, we made a reservation.

- The Barons, yes of course - The lady got up from her chair, walked next to Penelope and stood in front of the family - please follow me -

She walked them around the place, explaining what each station was about, they returned to the point where they started, Ivonne opened a door that was next to the reception desk, it led to a long hallway

- this way - opened the door that had 1702 written on it. - Dr. Cunningham, here are the Featheringtons.

The doctor stood up from his desk, walking to the middle of the office.

- Thank you very much Mrs. Ivonne, please come in

The couple entered with their son still in Colin's arms, the lady closed the door leaving them alone, the Featheringtons settled on the sofa that the doctor pointed out to them, while he sat in a chair in front of them

- I have heard a lot about you, Lady Featherington, the story of your birth is an impressive advance of science, I feel honored. And we will do everything possible so you don't have to repeat the history. Could I see your firstborn?

"Of course," Colin said, handing him his son.

The doctor stood up with Thomas in his arms, checked him over for a few minutes, then handed him back to the third Bridgerton.

- He is in excellent health - finally said - but I recommend that you not let him touch the floor of the house yet, has a slight allergy behind his ears - the couple opened their eyes in surprise - nothing to be scared of, I assure you, He will start crawling soon, for now only in bed, if I ask you to take him out into the sun and air in parks where there are not many people so that his body begins to be stronger, for now all What protects him from viruses are the defenses that the mother passes on through her milk, so if you don't mind, my lady, can I check you?

- of course - Penelope got up from the chair, and got on the stretcher.

"Could you take off your underwear" the doctor said.

Colin hated this part, but he knew it was inevitable, he looked the other way, preventing Penelope from feeling more shy.

"I forgot," Penelope said as she got off the stretcher.

The doctor turned, his back to Penelope, Lord Featherington looked at his wife taking off her underwear, tightened his grip on his son to remind himself that he was in public, met the doctor's gaze, and smiled at him. The third Bridgerton liked that doctor.

- I'm ready.

- okay - the doctor went to the stretcher and put a sheet over Penelope's legs, it only took a minute or two - you can change now.

The doctor walked towards the saddle, sitting down and turning his back, both gentlemen were silent waiting for Penelope to sit next to her husband.

- Everything looks normal, how have you felt?

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